Welcome to my Web site!

Jim Pickett - K5LAD

Since Amateur Radio is my life-long hobby, my web pages will be primarily about amateur radio, or "Ham Radio" as we like to call it.  You'll see some of my ham projects, both past and present, and also get a chance to meet my family.   Web pages are always a project under construction so these pages are often modified and updated.  So far, you can find the following things on my site:

Who Am I?


Classroom War Stories

My Family

Click on pictures to enlarge

Paige on her first day of First Grade

Paige's favorite food at Grandma's house

Paige on her first day of Second Grade Paige on her last day of Second Grade (No, the dog (Cash) didn't go with her to school)

Paige selling Girl Scout cookies

Gloria's Page What is Ham Radio?
A Tribute to My Mom & Dad .
My Ham Station - K5LAD RV Information
My Antenna Farm Stevens Antique 22 Rifle
My 4-1000A Amplifier For Sale and Wanted Stuff
Installing a Mobile Rig In a Silverado Humor and Inspirational
Installing a Mobile Rig In a 2007 Tahoe Here's my pride and joy
Inside Those Bird Slugs RocketPort Info
Assorted Ham Stuff               Several things Downloadable files
“I can’t work 80 meters, I don’t have a good 80 meter antenna” Click for Current Owasso Weather
Modifying a Dentron Super Tuner Jim's Solo/Quartet Experiment
Good Info and Documentation for Dentron MT-3000A Tuner Yaesu FT-736R VHF/UHF transceiver Information
K5LAD QSLs through the years Features in Logger32 to Which You May Not Be Aware
Good Info and Documentation for Dentron AT-3K Tuner Review of Logger32
ICOM IC-720A Accessories and Modifications LogPrint Multiple Label Suggestions
LogPrint Single, Multiple Label, and Print Your Own QSL Cards -- Major Update
FT-817 Portable Antenna and Assorted 817 Tips Logger32 - Setting up Audio Alerts
Electron Benders ARC and W5OK No Child Left Behind
Repairing Antenna Rotators Prostate Cancer Radiation Diary
50+ Years in Ham Radio - K5LAD stories The Hospital visit
Dentron GLA-1000 Model A-2 My Favorite Links anilinks.gif (737 bytes)   

animail2.gif (3164 bytes) Email K5LAD

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