K5LAD's Mobile Installation pages
2001 Chevy Silverado truck
Click on thumbnails for larger image
NOTE: I'm still experimenting to see which pictures to use. The pictures will be changing for a while.
The following information shows the steps I took in installing mobile equipment in my 2001 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD pickup truck. The vehicle has the extended cab which is not as large as the crew cab but allows plenty of room for passengers. Both radios are mounted out of the way under the back seat of the extended cab and are remoted up to the front of the passenger area.
The low band transceiver is an ICOM IC706MKII and the VHF/UHF transceiver is an ALINCO DR-610. The antenna is a Hustler set with various resonators for different bands but there is also a LDG automatic antenna turner in the low band feed line to tweak it closer to the required match. This automatic antenna tuner also has a remote head up front for easy access. The dual band VHF/UHF mobile antenna is by Comet.
I hope this will allow visitors to see some of the steps I went through to get everything placed in their proper places. If it gives you some ideas, I have accomplished my goal with this information.
Thumbnail pictures of mobile installation
See my various ham radio call tags over the years
Updated 04/30/07 04:14 PM
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