Dealing with Prostate Cancer and Radiation
In the summer of 2004, after my annual physical, the doctor found that my PSA was 5.4 where they recommend that this figure be a 4 or below. This led to a visit with my urologist and more tests which came back with the report that I had prostate cancer. The linked document is a daily diary I kept as I started my radiation treatment for this disease. It describes my feelings and many of the things which I encountered during my treatment. My original intent was to let my family know what was happening during these treatments and to also help another relative of mine who lives in another state and is due to begin radiation treatments for prostate cancer within a few weeks after my treatments are completed. It was not meant to be a particularly "polished" document but as an aid to anyone who is perhaps about to begin the same type of treatments. If, by sharing it on the Internet, it helps to remove some anxiety from another guy with the same diagnosis, then it has been worth my efforts. Today, January 12, 2005, was my final treatment in the series and this webpage is a celebration of that event. Jim Pickett
Page visited 721 times Page last updated 01/13/2005