K5LAD's Antenna Farm This page due to be updated soon. New antenna - see below Maybe not a farm but a pretty good sized garden. Click on any of the thumbnails to see a larger picture
The tower is a ROHN 45G foldover and to the top section, right under the large beam, is 69 feet. The big beam is a Mosley TA-36 with the additional TA-40KR 40 meter traps. This beam has a 24 foot boom and, although it is 27 years old, it continues to perform well for me. Above the TA-36 is a set of Cushcraft Twist beams on two meters. Each of the two beams has 10 horizontal elements and 10 vertical elements which provides a pair of horizontal or a pair of vertical elements. The antenna on the very top is a Comet dual-band model which is about 17 feet long. Some of the antennas which do not show up are: above the TA-36 is a single dipole on 6 meters, a 6-element Cushcraft 449-6 beam which is vertically polarized. Two of the top three guy wires are insulated off and fed at the top with KW twinlead. This allows me operation, through a tuner, on any frequency I choose to operate, 160-10. There are various UHF and VHF beams side mounted (no rotation) on the tower at various levels plus a discone hiding somewhere in there. Running horizontally, in front of the tower, is a Hy-Gain trap dipole strung from tree to tree. All together, counting tower, mast and the antenna on the top it puts the highest part at over 100'. NOTE: Actually, the TA-36 is no longer up. It has been replaced by a 3-element SteppIR at the same height. I absolutely love my SteppIR and can only give it the HIGHEST praises as well as high praises to the guys who manufacture these marvels. Customer service is as good as any company I've ever dealt with. Now why do I still have these pictures of the TA-36 instead of my SteppIR? That one's an easy answer: I spend my time using the SteppIR instead of updating my web pages. Hang on, however, 'cause those SteppIR pictures should appear soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This 45G tower is against the SE side of the detached garage which houses the ham shack. On the other side of this building is a 40 foot Rohn 25G tower with Mosley TS-33jr with the MPK (more power kit) which allows higher power operation. Above the tri-bander is a Hustler G7-144 which is a tall gain antenna for 146 MHz. It is always connected to the 146.10/.70 repeater located inside the garage. Click here to see the pictures of the recent antenna rotator swap Click here to see the installation of the 40' ROHN tower Click here to see the installation of a color TV camera on the 69' ROHN tower Updated 04/28/07 06:03 PM |