all in the family

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Daniel writes a column for collectors of toys. See:

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Princess Paige

Click here for brand new pictures new.gif (143 bytes)

GLORIA WA5SNU, XYL K5LAD.jpg (27986 bytes) Lost that tooth.jpg (3628730 bytes)

Here's mom - Gloria. She was a bit surprised to see the photographer but the important thing to notice is.... this was taken at a hamfest.

Yep, she goes with me to hamfests............. what a gal......... they just don't make 'em any better.

BTW - Gloria is WA5SNU.

Paige just lost a tooth!
JIM PICKETT, K5LAD.jpg (66062 bytes) Mom and Pop.JPG (49376 bytes)

Here I am at the same hamfest. Why am I always smiling? I don't know........... gas, I guess.

Just proves that Mom and Pop aren't off their rocker.............. yet!

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Here's a little better picture of where Gloria and I live. We're right there on that curve at the lower left. You can probably see our basketball goal........... HEY! Wait a minute!!! Somebody knocked down our basketball goal

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Last updated: 09/09/2009