Rachel's Super MOO List: H-O
Go to the start of the list
MOOs are listed as educational, ESL, research, RPG, sci-fi, social, or other.
Please e-mail me with additions, corrections, comments, and suggestions.
updated Thursday, 19 June 2003
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
MOO Listings A-C ||| MOO Listings D-G ||| MOO Listings P-Z
Educational MOOs ||| Foreign Language (ESL) MOOs
Miscellaneous MOOs ||| RPG MOOs ||| Social MOOsHaeric MOO
29 February 00
sandwich.net 8888
documentation * request a character * JAVA interface
[There is an island theme, with distinct lands: Lumis, Narkellia, Jur'gaan, Terra, Auqion, and Airon. The six provinces are each styled after an element: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, and Darkness. Each character is also aligned with an element.]Harper's Tale
5 July 00
harpers-tale.com 7007
documentation * Java Interface * web access
[RPG based on the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey. The game is played with the author's permission.]HavenMOO
haven.cmoo.com 8888
[Takes place in Zenith, center of intergalactic trade and commerce, capital of culture and technology, headquarters of the four most powerful corporations in the galaxy. The city is 21 million strong, and has 100 million visitors every solar cycle. Self-described as: "Here, your former identity means less than nothing. Here, old crimes are just a fading memory. Here, you have no past but you might have a future... if you're lucky."]
hellyeah! moo
16 November 99
moo.hellyeah.com 7777
description * manually updated ascii map
[Self-described as a "virtual hipster ghetto."]Hogwarts MOO aka The Harry Potter MOO
18 March 00
hogwarts.dune.net 7500
[It was created win November 1999 and is based on the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The theme is set roughly one hundred years before the first book; Voldemort has not been born, none of the characters of the books appear on their world. They feature a flying system including Quidditch as well as a complete monetary system with exchange rates. It is currently under construction.]Holo Trek
4 January 01
holotrek.org 1701
[It is a virtual recreation of the Star Trek universe, around the Deep Space Nine era, run by "The Q Continuum". The advanced Role Playing Environment stresses RP and character development. There are three major familiar Star Trek factions, along with an original faction creation, with room to expand. Newbies welcomed.]HolonMOO
[The Infusion Model Curriculum Development Project of the Ontario Society for Environmental Education. Under development, but should be up at some point in 1998. For information, contact Jason.]Hope Station: Phoenix
1 March 00
phoenix.otaking.org 2132
documentation * theme info
[Set in 2132, it takes place in the aftermath of a system-wide war with an advanced alien race.]HybridMOO
29 February 00
hybrid.moo.mud.org 8888
documentation * web access
[It is a space aged MOO with many different planets. Different ranks of players do the dirty work of hauling goods, and the higher ranks manage planets. Trade on their commodity or stock exchanges and become filty rich, or aim to become the most powerful player in the game. According to co-ArchWizard ByteNik, it "could be considered theme-less. As long as a planet does not act as if it is not a planet, any theme is acceptable. We use Pueblo extensions to make your playing time even more exciting, since it can be enriched in HTML. We have ANSI color for maximum enjoyment. We try to make HybridMOO appropriate for all ages, although we make no guarantees."]IhabfatMOO
moo.astroarch.com 9018
RPG / sci-fi
[StarWars-based MOO. Takes place 5 years after Return of the Jedi, and is based on the movies. Not for chatting; currently new characters cannot be created.]
Immaterial Park MOO aka ParkMOO
park.newport.ac.uk 7777
parkmoo.dds.nl 7777 7777
[Modeled after a real living and breathing park in the big wide real world. Creativity is encouraged.]Inner Spheres II
31 May 01
social / RPG
whitestar.soark.net 7777
[It is Inner Sphere MOO resurrected. The theme is based on the original mystical D&D magic theme. It is primarily a social MOO, with a RPG element being developed.]InterMOO
intermoo.cmoo.com 4488
[Formerly Medieval MOO. It is a "Utopian Community" which promotes creativness, and friendliness. They encourage you to do anyhing that is for the good of the moo and would be considered appropriate, including Porting and programming.]Isle of the Net
30 October 99
maryann.hu.mtu.edu 8888
documentation * web access
[Michigan Tech's Educational MOO.]ISU MOO
24 March 00
ux4.isu.edu 7778
[Guest logins are not allowed. It is a virtual learning center for Idaho State University. It is intended for academic use by ISU students, staff, and faculty.]JHM MOO (Jay's House MOO)
jhm.ccs.neu.edu 1709 1709
documentation * web access
[A place for research and development into information structures, tools for collaboration, and cohesive simulated environments. It is located in southern Minnesota, on a twelve mile stretch of highway between the towns of St. Peter and Mankato. The feel is modern and semi-realistic (there is nothing magical or really anachronistic). All characters are expected to be humans.]JihadMOO II
jm2.sandwich.org 7777
[A bunch of jihaddi running around and no purple dinosaurs.]JungleMOO
hrclinux.wmin.ac.uk 7777
daisy.cdm.wmin.ac.uk 7777
[It is a research project hosted by the HyperMedia Research Centre at the University of Westminster.]KashaCVW
8 June 00
kasha.cvw.mud.org 8888
documentation * web gateway
["Based at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, the KashaCVW project is trying to build a virtual world based on MITRE's CVW project, which was originally developed for millitary use, but has since become an OpenSource program." It is themed as a floating city, completely autonomous from outside forces. Developers are all welcome to email Justin Richer to gain access to the MOO. It is accessable via standard MOO/MUD clients as well as the specialized CVW client.]
22 January 02
moo.kcc.hawaii.edu 7777
documentation and web access
[An educational MOO located at Kapi'olani Community College in Hawai'i. There are some online classes some days of the week, but everyone is welcome.]Kids' MOO
25 February 01
kidsmoo.2y.net 8888
documentation * password application form * JAVA interface * web tour
[It was created in March 2000 specifically for kids and teenagers. This is a virtual environment for children to gather and meet with friends, old and new, to talk about practically anything or roleplay their characters.]Kingdoms of Kaddar
25 February 01
mushhaven.net 4321
[In the three rival kingdoms of Kaddar, the elves, dwarves, and humans all are 'Talented' -- they have small magical powers, such as scrying, illusion, and other small spellcasting. Some rare mages have the powers of the four elements. These are the mages who are the strongest, and when brought together with fire, water, wind, and earth, can destroy the world if they so chose. So the Kingdoms of Srasri, Thaynn, and Kraine have seperated the elemental magi, the school of Fire and Earth in Kraine, Wind in Thaynn, and Water in Srasri. But with the kingdoms verging on war, which of the mage groups will reign victorious? This is an original fantasy world that opened in April 2000.]KKMOO -- see The Wiz Club MOO
Kosmos 4444
documentation in Italian * translate documentation with Babel Fish at AltaVista
[An Italian Moo with nice people where you can start as a builder and dig. Un moo italiano con gente molto simpatica dove puoi iniziare gia' da subito con la mansione di builder a costruire.]
26 April 00
krynn.orisis.net 8888
[It opened on 5 April 2000. It has free character request, and is loosely based on a medieval fantasy theme slightly derived from the world of Krynn. Character names and discussion are not solely limited to that of a medieval nature but requests for rooms, objects and nifty things to do should have the theme in mind.]
21 May 00
lambda.moo.mud.org 8888
LambdaMOO Programmer's Manual by Pavel Curtis (technical documentation of programming in MOOCode) * MOOGallery of member pictures * The MOO Gallery of more pictures * LambdaMOO Bash FAQ * LambdaMOO Webring * Rusty's LambdaMOO Web Index * MOO Crew * The Gurst Posse
[The first MOO ever! It started in 1991 and has over 6000 members. It is one massive VR party, taking place in a mansion loosely modeled after the creator's home in California. Usually has lots of lag because there are always a lot of people on. Described as "An adventure if you have the patience." It was developed at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) by Pavel Curtis.]
Lingua MOO
lingua.utdallas.edu 8888
documentation * Web access * connection options
[Lingua MOO is an academic virtual community for teaching and research hosted by the University of Texas at Dallas. It was designed and built by Jan Rune Holmevik (Department of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway) and Cynthia Haynes (University of Texas at Dallas) in 1995.]
24 February 00
litmuse.cas.usf.edu 8888
documentation * vision and purpose * web access
educational / social
[Hosted by the University of South Florida College of Arts and Sciences, it "hopes to highlight and encourage creative and innovative approaches to the teaching of various text-based studies, such as literature and writing, and foster a hyper-theatrical sense of space. While its primary directive is education, social activities and interactions are equally encouraged."]Little Italy
little.usr.dsi.unimi.it 4444 4444
documentation * Home Page in Italian
social / ESL
[Social interaction in Italian. This does not mean that no English is spoken, but the language of choice is Italian. Little Italy e' un "laboratorio vivente" per la realizzazione di una societa' e di una economia digitali e distribuite. Questo laboratorio e' realizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano.]LogMOO
/ educational3 February 02
ahynes1.homeip.net 7777
documentation * Java Interface * social
[It is primarily aimed at MOO developers, with both social and educational aspects. It is currently exploring Brave New World.]LostAges MOO
mudz.org 6969 6969
documentation * JAVA interface
[For a character, e-mail skeetre@gnt.net with your request. Think Medieval Times like King Arthur and knights of the round table... jousting Tournaments, saving damsels in distress, adventure and questing... The time period is around the 14th century. The theme isn't strictly set to be just like this period, or just like King Arthur's knights of the round table, that's just want it's loosely based on. It basically has a fantasy medieval setting with coded combat.]LynxMOO
z.ml.org 7777
MOOring Member * documentation * web access
[It is an extension of Lynx, a free public-access Unix machine. There is an ongoing project to design an RPG MOO incorporating artifical intelligence and other innovative ideas based on Stephen King's Dark Tower series of novels. Using an educational MOO to aid in research and team collaboration to bring such an immense project to a reality.]Magic MOO -- see The Wiz Club MOO
4 July 01
www.math.utoronto.ca 7777 7777
documentation * DOoM FAQ
[It is a public crossword games server. A DOoM is a Distributed Object-oriented Mud, which was created to replace ScrabbleMOO.]MediaMOO
19 October 01
mediamoo.cc.gatech.edu 8888
educational / research
[A professional community for media researchers. It is a research project of Amy Bruckman, formerly of the Epistemology and Learning Group at the The MIT Media Lab, and now of the College of Computing at Georgia Tech.]
www.medieval.nl 1111
documentation (in Dutch)
[A Dutch MOO. They are "working on a RPG and making it bilingual (Dutch and English)." It is a fantasy MOO set in the Middle Ages.]
as of 4 July 2001Meridian
28 February 00
meridian.moo.mud.org 7777
[Themes of virtual travel and cultural exchange. Can be thought of as a global village where people represent the essential "flavors" of real places they know well.]Metaverse
[It is on hiatus, and thus not accepting new members right now, but I have been informed that it may return in its original form. It takes its name from Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson. It was opened in 1993 on Illuminati Online and went on permanent hiatus in 1997.]MiamiMOO
moo.cas.muohio.edu 7777
holychao.cas.muohio.edu 7777 7777
documentation * Web access
[MiamiMOO is an experimental MOO server that aims to provide an environment for classes of highly motivated students to build both MOO and WWW versions of the buildings, regions, environments or cultures they are studying. Run by Miami University. Contact moo@moo.cas.muohio.edu for more information.]MirrorMOO
mirror.moo.mud.org 8889
[It "is a forum for research and development. This MOO is running a simulation of the LambdaMOO server called LPMOO, based on DGD. The chosen theme is Alice's Wonderland; however, the theme is not the primary focus. An effort is being made to combine the positive contributions of both the MOO and LPmud communities."]
as of 4 July 2001MithrealMOO
9 March 00
sunray.dyndns.com 5400
social / RPG
[Created in July 1999, it has a theme of medieval and magic. It is mostly social, but an RPG is being built. Merlin the ArchWiz writes, "We're a small, new MOO hoping to bring lots of new players to make this MOO one of their homes. As we are a new MOO, I offer special benefits and rewards to builders especially who will build for the public MOO, and some benefits also for public programmers. I am also currently writing a MUD system which will allow for both MOO and MUD (either basically is optional though) for the players. You will not be required to play the MUD, or play the MOO really, except for certain things that might be necessary (I am still developing this, so to say what it will be like is impossible). I hope you will join us, and leave a message to Merlin if you wish to be a public builder/programmer."]MooAtNite
24 February 00
mooatnite.cmoo.com 1999
mooatnite.dhs.org 1999 1999
MOOring Member * documentation
[Based loosely on a small town in southern New Jersey. It is looking for players, builders and programmers. There is no apparent theme.]
MOO Canada, Eh?
moo.ca 7777
[Late 1998, SchoolNet MOO was renamed and is now being managed privately. It says it "is the largest and best MOO in Canada. It is a live community of about a thousand users who use the MOO environment to socialize, build and program."]MOO Français aka FrenchMOO
admiral.umsl.edu 7777 7777
educational / ESL
[French language MOO. It has found a new home at University of Missouri - St. Louis.]MOOkti
noisey.oise.utoronto.ca 9696
documentation * web access * MOOca, the Java based MOO interface * about MOOca
educational / social
[It is intended for social and academic events in the areas of teaching and learning, and is not a virtual classroom or a laboratory. The name comes from the Sandskrit "mukti" meaning a setting or becoming free, release.]MOOlah
kasmud.com 1234
[Currently a Social MOO, but is soon to become an RPG as well. I couldn't find any theme.]MOOlano -- see Cafe MOOlano
5 August 00
phoria.yeehaw.net 8888
MOOring Member * documentation
[You have to love their theme: "Be happy. Let others be happy." It features free ear cleanings for all new players, an arcade, and a variety of interactive games (Scrabble, KaBoom, Card Guppies, Blackjack, etc.).]MOOsaico
moo.di.uminho.pt 7777
moosaico.moo.mud.org 7777 7777
documentation or documentation * documentation in Portuguese / em português or documentation in Portuguese / em português
educational / ESL
[A Portuguese language MOO. The theme is one cultural connectivity. Like the world, it is woven together out of the individual fabrics of a variety of local cultures. Although real world cultures vary from one to another, they are forced by circumstance to co-exist in the tiny confines of the globe, and whatever they collectively form comes to define the world as we know it; so, too, with this multilingual MOO. It is located at Universidade Do Minho, Informatic Department.]MOOScape
7 March 00
scape.uta.edu 7777
[It is "devoted to rethinking the social and educational landscapes of virtual worlds" and is hosted by the University of Texas at Arlington.]MOOSE Crossing
19 October 01
moose-crossing.cc.gatech.edu 7777
moose-crossing.media.mit.edu 7777
[It is a place for kids to "hang out and make funky things." It is a research project of Amy Bruckman. No guest access is allowed.]MOOtown
20 November 00
mootown.dhs.org 1998
shadowforge.net 1998 1998
[It is a community based on the play Our Town by Thornton Wilder. There are two parts of this typical rural town. The north and west side of town is where you can find socialized activities, games, and interactive rooms. The adult side of town is found on the east and south side of the tracks. Building public areas should be themely, and connected to the town. They promote creativity and friendliness. They encourage you to make things that are unique and for public use. They offer over 35 games, with a different interactive realtime game every night of the week at 9:00 pm cdt.]MOOville
moo.nwe.ufl.edu 9898
documentation * web access
research / educational
[It is for students and teachers in the Networked Writing Environment at the University of Florida.]
as of 4 July 2001MooWP
24 February 00
it.uwp.edu 7777
moo.uwp.edu 7777
documentation and web access * more documentation
educational / social
[The educational moo of University of Wisconsin-Parkside. It has a "mildly literary flavor in many sections" and welcomes social players.]MundoHispano
admiral.umsl.edu 8888 8888
documentation * documentation in Spanish / en español
educational / ESL
[Spanish speaking MOO. It is an academic MOO for speakers and learners of Spanish, not a game. The use of English there is strongly discouraged. It has found a new home at University of Missouri - St. Louis.]MusicWorld
4 January 01
musicworld.dyndns.org 7777
ESL / social
[MusicWorld is a Dutch social MOO in the theme of Music. It was started in January 2000 and is still being developed.]Nebula MOO
3 April 02
moore-375-37.moore.clarkson.edu 6666 6666
[Housed by Clarkson University, the general theme is good vs. bad. They are trying to maintain a wizard/player ratio of 1/30 and the wizards are extremely friendly.]
unavaiable as of 3 April 2002NecroMOO -- see Craggy Island
10 August 01
www.hu.mtu.edu 7700
[This MOO is designed to support learning activities and emergent design literacies for a range of participants: K-12 teachers and students in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and college level writing courses. Visitors are welcome!]NowMOO
6 April 00
nowmoo.dds.nl 2001
nowmoo.dds.nl 9000 2001 9000
documentation * character request form
ESL / social
[It is mostly in Dutch. Absurdity is the theme of choice, so think strange. It was created in June 1997.]
12 October 01
nullmoo.ath.cx 7777
documentation * web-@who interface
[It is a formerly invitation-only communal social MOO for a circle of online friends. This group has inhabited various MOOs and chats in the course of its existence, most recently Speakeasy. Programmer's and builder's bits are almost always available, and hard disk space is practically unlimited. There's a facility to link built areas to a public place, and also somewhere to display information about programmed objects. You must talk to a Wizard for character creation. As with Speakeasy, obscene language is totally allowed, but character abuse and prejudiced hatred is not.]OldPuebloMOO
5 January 01
oldpueblomoo.arizona.edu 7777
documentation and web access
[It is the University of Arizona's educational MOO. Its "architexture" draws on "the rich and unique culture, geography, and heritage of the Tucson community, offering students and Internet travelers an opportunity to view the University of Arizona within its broader context. While OldPuebloMOO primarily serves affiliates of the University of Arizona, all visitors are welcome."]OpalMOO
moo.opal.org 7878
[It is considered the second or third oldest public MOO (in dispute with JHM). The theme is described as "Gritty and Sensual". They prefer an abandoned, lived-in feel to everything shiny and new.]
as of 4 July 2001
MOO Listings A-C ||| MOO Listings D-G ||| MOO Listings P-Z
Educational MOOs ||| Foreign Language (ESL) MOOs
Miscellaneous MOOs ||| RPG MOOs ||| Social MOOs