Rachel's Super MOO List
Educational MOOs
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Please e-mail me with additions, corrections, comments, and suggestions.
updated Wednesday, 3 April 2002
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
MOO Listings A-C ||| MOO Listings D-G ||| MOO Listings H-O ||| MOO Listings P-Z
Foreign Language (ESL) MOOs ||| Miscellaneous MOOs ||| RPG MOOs ||| Social MOOsAICore MOO
aisun2.ai.uga.edu 2357
[Discussion of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and related issues. Offers joint programming ventures on and off the MOO. You can request BotMaker porting of MOO AI information. Run by the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences of The University of Georgia. Strengths include logic programming, expert systems, neural nets, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing.]A Midsummer Night's Dream aka cmcMOO aka pURL MOO
23 March 00
documentation * JAVA access
[It is run by the cyber/media/culture (cmc) project at the University of Bergen. It is all about Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. The goal is to develop and experiment with new methods of teaching university level English literature on the Internet.]AnonyMOO
21 January 00
moo.stac.org 8888 8888
Web access
[A high school project Sponsored By LBJ High School in Austin, Texas that started 31 December 1995. Run mostly by students, they give out quota on a daily basis and have helpful Wizards. It is set in a modern US City.]AppalachiaMOO
21 March 00
ariel.clc.wvu.edu 7777
web login
[It "is hosted by the Center for Literary Computing in the Department of English and Eberly College of Arts and Sciences at West Virginia University." It is designed in part to represent the campus and surroundings of the university. It "also has imaginary areas stretching into other historical periods, worlds, and places on Planet Earth."]Atlantis MOO
7 March 00
atlantis.fe.up.pt 7777
documentation in Portugese * cliente em JAVA (JAVA interface) * interface web (web interface)
ESL / educational
[It is a portugês / Portuguese educational MOO located at the College of Engineering of the University of Porto in Portugal. "O AtlantisMOO é um MOO baseado na antiga civilização Atlantis. Foi criado por um pequeno grupo de estudantes na FEUP, com a colaboração do CICA nomeadamente na disponibilização da máquina onde se encontra alojado. O intuito inicial na criação deste projecto, e que ainda hoje se mantém foi criar um MOO educativo onde as pessoas pudessem aprender, trocar e discutir os mais variados assuntos e ao mesmo tempo promover a troca de culturas, uma vez que este tipo de ambientes permite que várias pessoas situadas fisicamente em locais diferentes do globo, se 'juntem' num mesmo local virtual e aí possam conversar, quer para aprender quer para se divertirem."]
farrer.riv.csu.edu.au 7777 7777
MOOring Member * documentation
social / educational
[An on-line environment designed to facilitate educational needs. It is also used for social interaction. They cater for classes and conferences, as well as a multi-themed public area. They have a very friendly wizardly and administration staff and an excellent interactive tutorial. AussieMOO began on 21 September 1994 as an open-styled, experimental and research MOO for social interaction, conferencing, computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), lifelong education (beyond just K-Ph.D), object-oriented programming, experimental psychology and philosophy.]BioMOO
bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il 8888 8888 8888
Web access * documentation * BioGate
research / educational
[BioMOO is a professional community of Biology researchers connected to the Globewide Network Academy. Running on a server at the BioInformatics Unit of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.]BushMOO
bushnet.qld.edu.au 7777 7777
[It is a multi-cultural community set in the Australian Bush. It is part of the BushNet.]Cafe MOOlano
moolano.berkeley.edu 8888
documentation or documentation
[The UC Berkeley MOO. Includes a large section built by french students (like I was). It is being developed, hosted, and technically supported by the Instructional Technology Program, and the Workstation Support Services' Workstation and Microcomputer Facilities group -- units of IS&T, at UC Berkeley.]Cara MOO
21 January 00
moo.adultedu.gla.ac.uk 7777 7777
[It is "set up to support the internet-mediated, adult education courses offered by the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, University of Glasgow. Students on these courses, or former students can connect to it at any time and seek help, advice, companionship or whatever else [they] might seek in the campus coffee bar. Of course, in the general internet spirit of free interaction, others are also welcome to spend time here, and to request characters. Cara is an uninhabited island immediately south of Gigha, off the West coast of Kintyre and Cara MOO has a vaguely Hebridean flavour, reflecting the early importance of the rural West of Scotland in the development of these courses. On the whole it will feel like modern offices and teaching rooms, in perhaps quite an old university, somehow merged with a sparsely inhabited Hebridean island."]College Town
ctown.bvu.edu 7777
patty.bvu.edu 7777
galaxy.bvu.edu 7777 7777
documentation or documentation * documentation for Windows/95 users
[Running on a server at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. Its purpose is to serve as a platform for the academic pursuits of students and faculty at that institution and the wider world. The MOO/WEB Java Client is accessible from the web page.]ComMOOnity
26 April 00
tortie.me.uiuc.edu 4242
documentation * JAVA access * web tour
educational / research / social
[It was started on 5 November 1996. It serves many purposes, including a testbed for research into collaboration technologies, a social gathering place, and a stable, fast environment for the expansion of MOO technologies. They say the best way to understand it is to explore it. Its theme is oriented towards neighborhoods that allow various levels of local control over membership, arrangement, etc. It is hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.]
CompuCraze MOO compucraze.net 7777 7777
documentation * web access
educational / social
[It is developing and has many wonderful and interesting objects. There are many games, player classes and other things. They are currently in need of Wizards and Programmers so you are invited if you are serious and talented.]Connections connections.moo.mud.org 3333
[Since November 1994, it has provided an alternative learning environment for classes and other groups. Any class, of any level, studying any subject, is welcome. It also provides space for projects outside the confines of "school subjects". It is topographically organized by a realm system, with different building themes.]CWRU MOO
21 March 00
cwrumoo.cwru.edu 7777
documentation * web login
[It "is a virtual representation of Case Western Reserve University. Its construction was begun and is supervised by the Curriculum Support Group."]DaMOO
29 February 00
DaMoo.csun.edu 7777
MOOring Member * documentation * Web access * JAVA interface * request a character
[Devoted to the notion that online education is the place to be. Explores the possibilities the MOO has to offer researchers, educators, and students. Each new area, conceptualized as planets, spirals out adding new dimensions and possiblities with its own theme and purpose. Running with the cooperation of the Learning Resource Center at California State University, Northridge.]Diversity University MOO
du.org 8888
moo.du.org 8888 8888
documentation * further documentation * Web access
[It was the first MOO designed specifically for classroom use. It is an experiment in interactive learning through the Internet, and is to be used for serious experimentation in network-based, interactive teaching, learning and social services. To preserve this atmosphere, the administration reserves the right to do unannounced monitoring as required. Information gathered will be treated in strict accordance with the U.S. Federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986.]Dreistadt
23 March 00
ESL / educational
documentation * JAVA access
[A German language MOO. "Dreistadt ist eine virtuelle Stadt im Internet. Hier kann man sich ganz einfach treffen, mit Freunden reden oder neue Leute kennenlernen, sich ein Haus bauen und einrichten... aber auch Deutsch studieren, Hausarbeiten einschicken, mit Lehrern und Mitstudenten diskutieren. Pädagogisch wurde Dreistadt konzipiert als ein Raum, der den prozesshaften und dynamischen Charakter natürlichen Spracherwerbs betont und sich bewusst zunutze macht. Fremdsprachenlerner können in authentischen und natürlichen Kontakt mit der Zielkultur treten und so auf neue und kreative Weise ihre Sprachkompetenz stärken. It is sponsored by the Universität Bergen/Norwegen, Sektion für humanistische Informatik."]EdMOO
15 July 99
edx3.educ.monash.edu.au 7777
documentation * JAVA interface
[The Education Multimedia Moo at Monash University, Australia. It has enhanced multimedia features available throught the web site. The project is run by the Education Faculty.]El MOOndo
28 April 00
moon.pepperdine.edu 7777
gsep.pepperdine.edu 7777
documentation (outdated)
educational / research
[It is aimed at k-12 research and is currently under construction. Some rooms are specially designated class meeting rooms for courses in graduate programs at the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology. They ask you to respect the right of students engaged in formal class meetings to bar your entry into their space.]GilMOO
gilmour.pvt.k12.oh.us 7777 7777
[A place where K-12 students from all over the world can get together and share ideas and information.]GTworld MOO
23 March 00
moo.gtworld.org 8888
[It was set up by a group who were involved with the TAG Writing Project at GrassRoots MOO. No guest logins are available and there are strict guidelines for behavior there. It is totally dedicated to the needs of gifted children and their parents.]Grassroots MOO
7 March 00
moo.enabling.org moo.enabling.org 8888 MOOring Member * documentation * newer Java interface * older Java interface
[A Unibase Research and Development MOO. It provides a learning environment where K-12 students are creating their neighborhoods and students from several universities are involved in collaborative study and research. There is a special emphasis on inclusion for those with educational and physical disabilities.]Isle of the Net
30 October 99
maryann.hu.mtu.edu 8888
documentation * web access
[Michigan Tech's Educational MOO.]ISU MOO
24 March 00
ux4.isu.edu 7778
[Guest logins are not allowed. It is a virtual learning center for Idaho State University. It is intended for academic use by ISU students, staff, and faculty.]
22 January 02
moo.kcc.hawaii.edu 7777
documentation and web access
[An educational MOO located at Kapi'olani Community College in Hawai'i. There are some online classes some days of the week, but everyone is welcome.]
Lingua MOO
lingua.utdallas.edu 8888
documentation * Web access * connection options
[Lingua MOO is an academic virtual community for teaching and research hosted by the University of Texas at Dallas. It was designed and built by Jan Rune Holmevik (Department of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway) and Cynthia Haynes (University of Texas at Dallas) in 1995.]
24 February 00
litmuse.cas.usf.edu 8888
documentation * vision and purpose * web access
educational / social
[Hosted by the University of South Florida College of Arts and Sciences, it "hopes to highlight and encourage creative and innovative approaches to the teaching of various text-based studies, such as literature and writing, and foster a hyper-theatrical sense of space. While its primary directive is education, social activities and interactions are equally encouraged."]LogMOO
/ educational3 February 02
ahynes1.homeip.net 7777
documentation * Java Interface * social
[It is primarily aimed at MOO developers, with both social and educational aspects. It is currently exploring Brave New World.]LynxMOO
z.ml.org 7777
MOOring Member * documentation * web access
[It is an extension of Lynx, a free public-access Unix machine. There is an ongoing project to design an RPG MOO incorporating artifical intelligence and other innovative ideas based on Stephen King's Dark Tower series of novels. Using an educational MOO to aid in research and team collaboration to bring such an immense project to a reality.]MediaMOO
19 October 01
mediamoo.cc.gatech.edu 8888
educational / research
[A professional community for media researchers. It is a research project of Amy Bruckman, formerly of the Epistemology and Learning Group at the The MIT Media Lab, and now of the College of Computing at Georgia Tech.]MiamiMOO
moo.cas.muohio.edu 7777
holychao.cas.muohio.edu 7777 7777
documentation * Web access
[MiamiMOO is an experimental MOO server that aims to provide an environment for classes of highly motivated students to build both MOO and WWW versions of the buildings, regions, environments or cultures they are studying. Run by Miami University. Contact moo@moo.cas.muohio.edu for more information.]MOO Français aka FrenchMOO
admiral.umsl.edu 7777 7777
educational / ESL
[French language MOO. It has found a new home at University of Missouri - St. Louis.]MOOkti
noisey.oise.utoronto.ca 9696
documentation * web access * MOOca, the Java based MOO interface * about MOOca
educational / social
[It is intended for social and academic events in the areas of teaching and learning, and is not a virtual classroom or a laboratory. The name comes from the Sandskrit "mukti" meaning a setting or becoming free, release.]MOOsaico
moo.di.uminho.pt 7777
moosaico.moo.mud.org 7777 7777
documentation or documentation * documentation in Portuguese / em português or documentation in Portuguese / em português
educational / ESL
[A Portuguese language MOO. The theme is one cultural connectivity. Like the world, it is woven together out of the individual fabrics of a variety of local cultures. Although real world cultures vary from one to another, they are forced by circumstance to co-exist in the tiny confines of the globe, and whatever they collectively form comes to define the world as we know it; so, too, with this multilingual MOO. It is located at Universidade Do Minho, Informatic Department.]MOOScape
7 March 00
scape.uta.edu 7777
[It is "devoted to rethinking the social and educational landscapes of virtual worlds" and is hosted by the University of Texas at Arlington.]MOOSE Crossing
19 October 01
moose-crossing.cc.gatech.edu 7777
moose-crossing.media.mit.edu 7777
[It is a place for kids to "hang out and make funky things." It is a research project of Amy Bruckman. No guest access is allowed.]MOOville
moo.nwe.ufl.edu 9898
documentation * web access
research / educational
[It is for students and teachers in the Networked Writing Environment at the University of Florida.]
as of 4 July 2001MooWP
24 February 00
it.uwp.edu 7777
moo.uwp.edu 7777
documentation and web access * more documentation
educational / social
[The educational moo of University of Wisconsin-Parkside. It has a "mildly literary flavor in many sections" and welcomes social players.]MundoHispano
admiral.umsl.edu 8888 8888
documentation * documentation in Spanish / en español
educational / ESL
[Spanish speaking MOO. It is an academic MOO for speakers and learners of Spanish, not a game. The use of English there is strongly discouraged. It has found a new home at University of Missouri - St. Louis.]
10 August 01
www.hu.mtu.edu 7700
[This MOO is designed to support learning activities and emergent design literacies for a range of participants: K-12 teachers and students in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and college level writing courses. Visitors are welcome!]OldPuebloMOO
5 January 01
oldpueblomoo.arizona.edu 7777
documentation and web access
[It is the University of Arizona's educational MOO. Its "architexture" draws on "the rich and unique culture, geography, and heritage of the Tucson community, offering students and Internet travelers an opportunity to view the University of Arizona within its broader context. While OldPuebloMOO primarily serves affiliates of the University of Arizona, all visitors are welcome."]PennMOO
23 March 00
ccat.sas.upenn.edu 7777
["Based loosely on the geographies of the Penn campus and the city of Philadelphia, PennMOO provides a 'place' where faculty hold classes and office hours, students gather for group projects, and real-time events bring users from Penn and around the world together in cyberspace. PennMOO is also an evolving experiment, seeking to help redefine the traditional walls of the college classroom."]PMC-2 (Postmodern Culture MOO - 2)
hero.village.virginia.edu 7777 7777
[A virtual space designed to promote the exploration of postmodern theory and practice; a place for intellectual meandering. There, the unstable "real world" of postmodernity is mixed with the solid virtuality of MOOspace. Membership is restricted to those doing postmodernism research. It is a production of the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.]
Project Achieve aka AchieveMOO
18 February 01
achieve.utoronto.ca 2222
[It is a "Schoolnet Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment." It is a project-based collaborative learning environment for Canadian learners and their friends. It is funded by Canada's Schoolnet, and sponsored by the Knowledge Media Design Institute of the University of Toronto. Achieve features the VASE: Virtual Assignment Server Environment, and file upload/management utilities integrated with the Xpress GUI.]Pueblo 7777
Pueblo Moobie Manual
[K-6 MOO based on educational learning and the virtual experience.]Puget Sound Community School Virtual Educational Environment (PSCS VEE)
moo.speakeasy.org 7777
[MOO of the Puget Sound Community School.]ROO MOO
saga.umkc.edu 4444
documentation * web interface * Policy FAQ * Mission Statement
[An interdisciplinary educational MOO sponsored by the Instructional Materials Laboratory (College of Arts & Sciences, University of Missouri, Kansas City). It provides a real-time virtual campus for faculty, students, & staff to develop creative and innovative environments and tools for teaching, learning, and research, and to foster interdisciplinary collaboration. It is modeled after the physical space of the campus. Faculty from other Higher Ed institutions are encouraged to join them and to bring students online to collaborate.]RuthMOO
19 March 00
ruthmoo.feldberg.brandeis.edu 7777
staff.feldberg.brandeis.edu 7777
[It "is an experimental site for the exploration of educational technology and virtual community." It is hosted by Brandeis University and has been open since January 1998.]
schMOOze University
schmooze.hunter.cuny.edu 8888 8888
educational / ESL
[A small college known for its hospitality and the diversity of its student population. Established in July, 1994 as a place where people studying English as a second or foreign language could practice English while sharing ideas and experiences with other learners and practicers of English. Students have opportunities for one-on-one and group conversations as well as access to language games, an on-line dictionary, USENET feed, and gopher access. Housed by Hunter College.]ScienceMOO
web access
[The only MOO I've ever seen that doesn't offer telnet access, ScienceMOO is dedicated to science education. They hold online science competitions in the MOO, teacher workshops, classes for science educators, etc.]SCU MOO
18 February 01
scumoo.moo.mud.org 7776
angus.scu.edu.au 7776
documentation * JAVA access
educational / social
[It is a virtual version of Southern Cross University, located in Lismore NSW Australia with a sub-campus in Coffs Harbour NSW Australia. It has no set theme, however they encourage using the MOO for interactive programming, developing an Australian theme (much of what is there is based on the real life version), developing original ideas, as a forum to voice your opinions, and as a place to meet people from around the globe.]SKYMOOn
25 February 01
eworks.engl.uic.edu 7777
documentation and web access
[The educational MOO of SCAILAB at the University of Illinois, Chicago. It is used primarily by members of the English Department and Writing Center, but they welcome educators and classes from anywhere. It provides virtual space for discussion, one-on-one tutoring, and writing projects.]Springside
iberia.vassar.edu 7777
[The MOO at Vassar College. It was formerly VassarMOO.]TecfaMOO
tecfamoo.unige.ch 7777 7777
documentation or documentation * TECFA overview
research / educational
[A Virtual Space for Educational Technology, Education and Research at TECFA (Technologies de Formation et Apprentissage), School of Psychology and Education (Faculte de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education), at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Its main purposes are research (in educational technology and CMC) and some education.]TWUMOO
24 march 00 8888
documentation * web tour * JAVA login
[TWU stands for Texas Woman's University. It is a virtual environment for teaching and learning that promotes women and women's writing and is designed to enhance TWU's distance learning initiative and supplement traditional classroom instruction.]Villa Diodati
16 February 01
www.rc.umd.edu 6060
documentation & web access
[The Villa is the retreat of Byron and Shelley in the summer of 1816. The space is used for discussions of British Romanticism and features (as of Feb. 2001) a Romanticist on call for teachers and students interested in the Romantic movement. The site is hosted by Romantic Circles.]
Virtual Online University (VOUMOO)
27 April 00
athena.edu 8888
documentation * About VOU * JAVA access with Surf and Turf * JAVA access with HotMudslide
[Athena University and Athena Preparatory Academy share this campus to offer both K-12 and higher education. It is VOU's GENII Laboratory School (GLS) and Athena University's Electronic Campus. It offers Teacher Education/Training and online classroom instruction for pre-university and university level learners. Hardware provided by Internet Access Cincinnati.]Virtual Park Hall
24 march 00
virtual.park.uga.edu 7777
documentation * JAVA access via Mudslide * JAVA access via Surf 'n' Turf
[Part of the Georgia On-Line Teaching Initiative (GOTI) at the University of Georgia, Athens.]Virtual Writing Center MOO (VWCMOO)
bessie.englab.slcc.edu 7777
web access
[It is an educational space where people come to talk and learn about writing.]VROoM
28 April 00
moon.pepperdine.edu 1937
gsep.pepperdine.edu 1937
documentation * JAVA interface * sketch map
[The acronym stands for Virtual Rooms Offices and Meetinghouse and it is run by the Pepperdine Graduate School. It is mostly used for real-time conferences and meetings. A friendly bot named George will greet you when you enter.]Walden3
12 January 01
walden3.mhpcc.edu 7777
walden3.mhpcc.edu 9999
documentation * web access
[The map is centered around Walden Pond. The MOO "focuses on creating teaching and learning opportunities for people around the world to come together with a purpose, an interest, a challenge to make meaningful connections. Presently, several educational projects use Walden3 as a virtual venue." Guests are always welcome. If you would like a character, send e-mail to watts@hawaii.edu.]ZooMOO
moo.missouri.edu 8888
[MOO of the University of Missouri. Guests can logon.]
MOO Listings A-C ||| MOO Listings D-G ||| MOO Listings H-O ||| MOO Listings P-Z
Miscellaneous MOOs ||| RPG MOOs ||| Social MOOs