Rachel's Super MOO List
Foreign Language (ESL) MOOs
Go to the start of the list
Please e-mail me with additions, corrections, comments, and suggestions.
updated Thursday, 19 June 2003
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
MOO Listings A-C ||| MOO Listings D-G ||| MOO Listings H-O ||| MOO Listings P-Z
Educational MOOs ||| Miscellaneous MOOs ||| RPG MOOs ||| Social MOOsMOOs listed below alphabetically:
Nederlands / Dutch: De Digitale Metro, FutureMOO, Medieval, MusicWorld, NowMOO, Utopia
portugês / Portuguese: AtlantisMOO, CPDEEMOO, MOOsaico, Pangaea, Science & Fiction MOO
italiano / Italian: Cyberia, Kosmos, Little Italy, Pangaea
Español / Spanish: MundoHispano, Pangaea, Rumba MOO
Deutsch / German: c-moo, Dreistadt, Pangaea
français / French: MOO Français, Pangaea
Pinyin / Latinized Chinese: Pangaea
translate this page with Babel Fish at AltaVistaAtlantis MOO
7 March 00
atlantis.fe.up.pt 7777
documentation in Portugese * cliente em JAVA (JAVA interface) * interface web (web interface)
ESL / educational
[It is a portugês / Portuguese educational MOO located at the College of Engineering of the University of Porto in Portugal. "O AtlantisMOO é um MOO baseado na antiga civilização Atlantis. Foi criado por um pequeno grupo de estudantes na FEUP, com a colaboração do CICA nomeadamente na disponibilização da máquina onde se encontra alojado. O intuito inicial na criação deste projecto, e que ainda hoje se mantém foi criar um MOO educativo onde as pessoas pudessem aprender, trocar e discutir os mais variados assuntos e ao mesmo tempo promover a troca de culturas, uma vez que este tipo de ambientes permite que várias pessoas situadas fisicamente em locais diferentes do globo, se 'juntem' num mesmo local virtual e aí possam conversar, quer para aprender quer para se divertirem."]c-moo
c-moo.c-base.org 7777
documentation * JAVA interface
ESL / sci-fi
[A German language MOO. The wreck of an ancient space station has been discovered under the city of Berlin and a group of scientists and artists is engaged in rebuilding and relaunching the station. This MOO isn't in English (it doesn't even have connection instructions or a web page in English).]CPDEEMOO aka UFMGMOO
moo.cpdee.ufmg.br 7777
[A Brazilian MOO; mainly Portuguese. CPDEE stands for Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia Eletrica. UFMG stands for the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Este e' um espaco virtual, com objetivo educacional. Neste espaco voce pode participar de diversos cursos, alem de conhecer pessoas de diferentes lugares do planeta. Apesar de ser uma sociedade virtual, os conceitos e normas de convivencia da sociedade real devem ser utilizados e incorporados aqui tambem, possibilitando a vida em comunidade no ambiente virtual. Lembre-se, atras de cada monitor de cada personagem, esta' um ser humano, capaz de raciocinar e de ter emocoes. O respeito e' fator preponderante em qualquer tipo de sociedade. Abaixo estao listados alguns conceitos basicos de convivencia social, conceitos estes que gostariamos que voce observasse.]Cyberia
7 March 00
cyberia.univr.it 7777
[This is an Italian-language world. "Cyberia è un progetto sperimentale creato in collaborazione con l'Università di Verona, nella persona del Dott. Germano Rossi."]De Digitale Metro
3 April 02
demetro.nl 8888
demetro.nl 902
metro.dds.nl 8888
documentation (in Dutch) * JAVA access (in Dutch)
[This world is in Dutch. It is located around the capital's subway and is only accesible for those who are registered on their home page. Everything is in Dutch, but they are friendly enough to speak your language (if they can.) Most of the residents are able to speak English. Dit is een Nederlandse Moo. Alles is in het Nederlands, maar ze zijn aardig genoeg om in jou taal te praten (als ze het kunnen), de meeste mensen spreken ook Engels.]Dreistadt
23 March 00
ESL / educational
documentation * JAVA access
[A German language MOO. "Dreistadt ist eine virtuelle Stadt im Internet. Hier kann man sich ganz einfach treffen, mit Freunden reden oder neue Leute kennenlernen, sich ein Haus bauen und einrichten... aber auch Deutsch studieren, Hausarbeiten einschicken, mit Lehrern und Mitstudenten diskutieren. Pädagogisch wurde Dreistadt konzipiert als ein Raum, der den prozesshaften und dynamischen Charakter natürlichen Spracherwerbs betont und sich bewusst zunutze macht. Fremdsprachenlerner können in authentischen und natürlichen Kontakt mit der Zielkultur treten und so auf neue und kreative Weise ihre Sprachkompetenz stärken. It is sponsored by the Universität Bergen/Norwegen, Sektion für humanistische Informatik."]FutureMOO
23 April 00
futuremoo.dyns.cx 7777
futuremoo.dyns.cx 8888
moogeluk.student.utwente.nl 7777
moogeluk.student.utwente.nl 8888
documentation * more documentation
ESL / social
[It is a Dutch, fantasy, social MOO. They are working on several planet where players can live. It began in December 1999.]Kosmos
10 December 99 4444
documentation in Italian * translate documentation with Babel Fish at AltaVista
[An Italian Moo with nice people where you can start as a builder and dig. Un moo italiano con gente molto simpatica dove puoi iniziare gia' da subito con la mansione di builder a costruire.]Little Italy
little.usr.dsi.unimi.it 4444 4444
documentation * Home Page in Italian
social / ESL
[Social interaction in Italian. This does not mean that no English is spoken, but the language of choice is Italian. Little Italy e' un "laboratorio vivente" per la realizzazione di una societa' e di una economia digitali e distribuite. Questo laboratorio e' realizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano.]
www.medieval.nl 1111
documentation (in Dutch)
[A Dutch MOO. They are "working on a RPG and making it bilingual (Dutch and English)." It is a fantasy MOO set in the Middle Ages.]
as of 4 July 2001MOO Français aka FrenchMOO
admiral.umsl.edu 7777 7777
educational / ESL
[French language MOO. It has found a new home at University of Missouri - St. Louis.]MOOsaico
moo.di.uminho.pt 7777
moosaico.moo.mud.org 7777 7777
documentation or documentation * documentation in Portuguese / em português or documentation in Portuguese / em português
educational / ESL
[A Portuguese language MOO. The theme is one cultural connectivity. Like the world, it is woven together out of the individual fabrics of a variety of local cultures. Although real world cultures vary from one to another, they are forced by circumstance to co-exist in the tiny confines of the globe, and whatever they collectively form comes to define the world as we know it; so, too, with this multilingual MOO. It is located at Universidade Do Minho, Informatic Department.]MundoHispano
admiral.umsl.edu 8888 8888
documentation * documentation in Spanish / en español
educational / ESL
[Spanish speaking MOO. It is an academic MOO for speakers and learners of Spanish, not a game. The use of English there is strongly discouraged. It has found a new home at University of Missouri - St. Louis.]MusicWorld
4 January 01
musicworld.dyndns.org 7777
ESL / social
[MusicWorld is a Dutch social MOO in the theme of Music. It was started in January 2000 and is still being developed.]NowMOO
6 April 00
nowmoo.dds.nl 2001
nowmoo.dds.nl 9000 2001 9000
documentation * character request form
ESL / social
[It is mostly in Dutch. Absurdity is the theme of choice, so think strange. It was created in June 1997.]
11 October 01
pangaeamoo.org 7777
confabulation.com 7777
documentation * further documentation * web access
ESL / social
[It "is dedicated to being a multi-lingual community, with many areas that are especially friendly to specific language speaking people." It is specifically designed for English, Español (Spanish), français (French), Deutsch (German), portugês (Portuguese), italiano (Italian), and Pinyin (Latinized Chinese). There is an on-MOO and off-MOO instant translator in use. It has TTS (text to speech) modifications to make "the MOOing experience more enjoyable for blind persons." The theme is internationalism based on fictional realignment of the earth's continents in the year 2052. Special areas are being developed to accommodate various ethnic groups witht he ambition to blend cultures. The goal is "Fun, Chatting, Learning, Programming, Gaming, and attempting to return to the original purpose of MOOS -- to experiment with 'community' and sense of presence." It opened 21 January 2000. En línea, el texto basó el mundo con el traductor libre de la traducción del lenguaje para los estudiantes, los profesores, y los utilizadores ocultos. Interacción en tiempo real.]Rumba MOO
4 March 00
calvin.univalle.edu.co 8888 8888
documentation (in Spanish)
ESL / social
[A Spanish social MOO for the Universidad del Valle - Cali, Colombia.]Science & Fiction MOO
moo.ufsm.br 7777
[(Portuguese) Esse eh o ponto de partida da maioria dos players do nosso MOO. Sua grandiosidade e conforto propiciam enormes possibilidades para quem estah connect guest disposto a explorar nosso MOOndo. Nos seus extremos existem dois enormes portais, cujas pesadissimas portas de bronze exigem algum esforco para abri-las. Pode-se ler claramente os dizeres grafados em cada porta: Caminho da Ciencia e Caminho da Ficcao. Sim, aqui a Ciencia e a Ficcao sao levadas a serio...]
schMOOze University
schmooze.hunter.cuny.edu 8888 8888
educational / ESL
[A small college known for its hospitality and the diversity of its student population. Established in July, 1994 as a place where people studying English as a second or foreign language could practice English while sharing ideas and experiences with other learners and practicers of English. Students have opportunities for one-on-one and group conversations as well as access to language games, an on-line dictionary, USENET feed, and gopher access. Housed by Hunter College.]
17 May 00
utopiamoo.net 1111
donald-duck.ele.tue.nl 1111
documentation in Dutch
[Self-described as a "Dutch MOO based on fairytales, stories and all kinds of fantastic creatures in a wonderful world of magic power combined with fun. A RPG is under construction."]
MOO Listings A-C ||| MOO Listings D-G
MOO Listings H-O ||| MOO Listings P-ZEducational MOOs ||| Miscellaneous MOOs
RPG MOOs ||| Social MOOs