K5LAD - 50+ Years of Ham Radio Memories Volume XLV A Capsule Course in Working DX on CW You just
thought you couldnt do it By Jim Pickett K5LAD Almost every organized DXpedition will offer, as part of
their operation, a station or three operating on the CW bands. To look at the statistics of a completed DX
operation you will see that a large portion of their final totals will be made up of CW
contacts. Youll notice the same thing
among a club or groups ARRL Field Day totals. If
you want to have a high score, youll certainly be sure to operate a CW station.
The introduction of the no-code Technician
license in 1991, and the later total elimination of the code requirement, opened the hobby
for many who had previously been unable to join the amateur ranks. Currently, if you happen to listen to a typical CW
DXpedition pileup, you hear the DX station sending at a very fast speed. On a regular (non-DXpedition) contact with a CW
station, if your receiving speed is not too fast, your option should be to send to the
other station at the speed you are able to copy comfortably. With few exceptions, a person is usually able to
send code at a much faster rate than they are able to decode it. A good CW operator will send to you at the speed
you send to them. Thats why it is never
a good idea to try to show off your impressive sending ability. You go fast, theyll come back fast; you come
at them slower, they should match your speed. However,
that does not apply to a DXpedition and all bets are off.
Theyre there to make as many contacts as they can. After all, theyve invested a considerable
amount of their time, their money, and their life to be involved in this DXpedition and
that means the faster they go, the more QSOs can be made.
If you want to work DX on CW, its up to you to run faster to catch
their train; its not going to slow down just for you to catch up. That, however, is not a big problem because this
article will show you how to work DX on CW when theyre going blazingly fast and you
are only able to copy frighteningly slow. There
are, of course, both software and hardware options that are able to decode code at varying
speeds but the method listed here uses nothing more than the software and hardware items
given to all hams at birth and should be always available to them. This article seeks to show anyone that they can
work DX on CW and not even know, in its entirety, all of the Morse alphabet characters. It should also be noted that the DXpedition station will
also be sending their call in CW, very fast, and needs to be decoded and confirmed; but it
is assumed that to have found the DX station on your receiver, you used some other method
than just by chance, tuning across their signal. Using
a good computerized logging program like the free Logger32 www.logger32.net, it will have built-in links to
numerous DX Cluster sites and will be listing the stations call, the frequency on
which they were spotted, the time of the spot and even the call of the spotting station so
you know the areas that are currently hearing and probably working that DX station. This means you dont really even need to copy
the call of the desired station, just follow the trail left by others. Oddly enough, after the CW component was removed from the licensing
requirements for many countries, including the United States, CW did not disappear from
the scene but instead it has grown to be more popular.
I suspect it is partially rooted in the internal feelings some children had
concerning doing a task that involved some effort on their part. Anyone who has [endured participated
survived| choose your favorite descriptive word] the joys of parenthood often
learned that rather than push their young offspring into a particular deed they draw back
their excessive encouraging and Little Johnny or Little Suzie will often
decided on their own to complete the task. I
offer this only now as one who can look back on my earlier parenting years and still
(finally) smile. Besides the disadvantages of having to spend time learning
first the code elements and then learn to mentally convert them into some form of
understandable language, there are quite a few advantages to using CW for ham
communications, even more than being able to rack up a larger total on your number of
contacts. Communications with CW takes less
transmitter power to make a contact at a similar distance.
If youre not blessed with a super station and/or tower and antenna setup, you
can still make some really impressive local and long-range QSOs, thanks to CW mode. It might come as a surprise to the newcomer or veteran,
looking at CW for the first time, that you dont even need to be proficient in Morse
code for you to see success. In fact, to work
a DXpedition and make a legitimate contact, there are only a few Morse characters you need
to know. First, and most important, you need
to recognize your own call in code. Old
timers learned that, many years back and that part is critical. This is learned by sending your call, and sending
it, and sending it again --- often. We used
to have code practice oscillators that were used for sending practice for ourselves and
for receiving practice when you could get someone else to do the keying. Many modern-day transceivers, and even some of
the older boat anchors can be set up to generate keyable tones while not
placing an interfering signal on the air. A
search of the Internet should provide numerous simple circuits for building an oscillator
for code practice use. I believe the simplest
one I ever saw involved a small amplifier a fellow owned, which had a place for a
microphone input. He used a cheap microphone
and placed it on the table directly in front of the speaker and turned it on.
Once youve learned the letters in your call, you
practice that over and over again. Even a ham
who was dragged to the licensing process, kicking and screaming but still learned the
code, can recognize their own call and usually at an fairly amazing speed. When working DX on CW, it is critical that you are
able to recognize your own call coming back; otherwise you cannot know if the station has
acknowledged your signal. Lets see. how
many characters are in your call, 5?
thats not too many to
learn. There are just a few others to recognize so that the
contact can be successfully completed. Every
DXpedition operator will give you the same signal report (599 or 5NN) and you will give
them the same report. Even if they are weak
and noisy, youre going to give them that same report. If you would happen to give them something
different, they would probably consider you some kind of a goofy person. So there, youve captured another part of
the DX stations contact info with your station and you only had to learn two more
characters; and on top of that, you can use those same two characters to give them their
return report
. pretty neat, huh? There are a few more characters to know but theyre
easy ones: P, T, and U. You need to be able to listen for the
letters T (dah) and U (di-di-dah) sent together, i.e., TU.
That means Thank You and the DX station is acknowledging that he got
your report (of course he already knew what you were going to send) and he is thanking you
and moving on to another call. Dont
expect him to stay and chat with you about the hula girls or the palm trees on the island
because hes trying to work as many stations as possible. OK, lets recap
. You
only needed to learn the few characters in your call, the characters for the report (a 5
and a 9 or an N) and the two letters T and U. Hey,
theres a bunch of letters of the alphabet that you didnt even need to learn
and you might have just been able to work DX on CW with a minimum station and antenna. Even if the DX station is sending very fast, and
they are often going 30-40 WPM, since you are only looking for a very few characters you
can get those few from them even at high speed. Once
you have learned those characters and you know what to anticipate from the DX station, you
can recognize and copy those few characters that are going by very fast. Yes, theres one more letter mentioned above that has
yet to be identified. the letter P. Many, if
not most, DXpeditions will operate split frequency operation. This is to say, they will transmit on a
particular frequency which is often advertised on their Internet website and they will
listen up the band from where they are transmitting.
They will often send the word UP (di-di-dah di-dah-dah-dit). Sometimes they will tell the waiting horde how
far up but often its from 2-10 kHz up the band.
The UP is to tell you where they are listening but if you tune around up the
frequency from when you hear their station, you can hear [several
gobs hundreds jillions] (again, choose your favorite
descriptive word) of
stations calling him. Depending on how rare
the DXpedition station is, the more people who will be calling him. Ah, ha, but now YOU know the secrets to working
him. One last thing, there is one more use of a couple of the
Morse characters that are mentioned above. Almost
any time there is a DXpedition, youll find a group called The UP Police. These are self-appointed stations that have taken
upon themselves, the private task of telling some operators that they are operating
incorrectly. When a DX station is operating
split, you should not transmit on his frequency, actually for several reasons: first, it covers up the DX station so others
cannot hear him; but second, and more important, the DX station is not listening on his
own frequency but is listening up the band as he had announced. The UP Police are most akin to the
Hall Monitor you remember from elementary school who thought the entire world
rested on their ability of carrying out the critical and unwelcomed task of calling you
down for an infraction. Those who do transmit
on a DX stations frequency have usually done so accidentally and would gladly press
the right button or rotate the correct knob to set up their station correctly for split,
particularly if it was told to them in a kind way. After
all, the reason theyre there is to work the DXpedition station. These UP Police on CW send UP UP UP UP to
chastise the offender. These same individuals
are the ones who, on SSB scream, UP UP you idiot or split, split are you stupid? These Masters of Rudeness instead must shout or
key in their vile words of hatred since they obviously think they are without sin. One wonders if they wont be shoveling pine
knots in a fire someday. The UP Police are
unchosen, unwelcome, unruly clods and should return to live with their friend under the
bridge, the Troll. Pardon me but I may
have accidentally let my opinion slip and display my feelings about this group of
enforcers in this piece and I certainly did not mean for that to happen. Good luck in your efforts to work some DX by using CW. Its out there, just waiting for you.
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