K5LAD - 50+ Years of Ham Radio Memories Volume XLVI Working DX intelligently Subtitle: The question is not Where have all the flowers gone but instead, "Where
has all the common sense gone? by Jim Pickett K5LADSearch keywords: common sense Some years ago, someone posed questions about what would alien beings think of we on Earth if their only opinions were formed from watching our old I Love Lucy TV broadcasts. It was postulated that since the frequencies used to transmit analog television signals did not usually bounce off any layer above the earth they would just keep going forever until, perhaps, they would be received by some alien many light years away. The interesting and whimsical question was, what would they think of our civilization if it were only some of those older TV signals they viewed? One might ask the same type of
questions about what might an alien think of us if they only received radio signals of
Earth-bound hams in a pileup, attempting to work some rare DX station. Perhaps the only advantage from that might be
that there could be a pause in their plans to bring an attack upon Earth. After all they might report, We sure
dont want to take on those Earthlings since they are obviously crazy as loons. A newcomer to the DXing. ranks,
whether newly licensed or a timeworn old-timer, would probably assume that they could
learn the ropes simply by doing a bit of listening on the bands where Ding was
taking place. Nothing, however, could be
further from the truth. There are numerous avenues to
working DX that include working DX stations during a contest, working a DXpedition, or
just stumbling across a rare foreign station. For
the most part, this article will be aimed primarily at working DX stations operating from
a DXpedition. If you have a desire to enter the
exciting area of working DXpeditions on the HF bands, there are some basics that you can
adopt from the beginning: 1.
You should know that most DXpeditions operate from a
remote, often uninhabited area of the globe. Since
this site is only visited once every few years (or even decades) its going to be a
much desired (needed) contact for hams all over the world.
That means pileups galore, which means hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
stations crammed into a small spectrum of frequencies trying to work the DX station. 2.
Rule #1 DXpeditions almost exclusively
operates using split frequency operation. That
means they transmit on one frequency and receive on another frequency or range of
frequencies (They will often say, Listening from 5 to 15 kHz up). This means DO NOT transmit on the DX
stations frequency
youll cover him up for others and he is
NOT listening there anyway so your transmission is fruitless and absolutely useless. This is a time where common sense should
. If hes not listening on his frequency and has announced
where he is listening, what good is it to transmit on the same frequency he is on? Common sense would tell you that he is not going
to do something special and different, i.e., tune back up to his TX frequency, just to
contact your station. 3.
Rule #2 Listen for a minute or two before you
ever place your transmitted signal on the air. If
youre hearing the DX station well enough, listen to the calls of the stations
hes working. If you dont actually
hear any of THOSE stations, perhaps theyre not within range of your station but
probably you arent hearing them because theyre not transmitting on that same
frequency. Common sense would tell you: a.
Im trying to work a DXpedition that half the
worlds hams need, b.
Im not hearing the stations hes been
calling, c.
DXpeditions almost always operate split, d.
perhaps I should listen to him for a bit to hear him
tell where hes actually listening. Common sense is in such short
supply these days
. but then, look around at other
look at the county and youll see a total departure of
any common sense. Common sense; what we used
to refer to as horse sense, is a quality that used to be available in large
supply but now is, for the most part, missing in many, if not most, aspects of life ---
including ham radio. As an aside, failure to use proper judgment and common sense could be
akin to a form of insanity. I believe it was Albert Einstein who defined insanity
as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different
results. It should also be noted that the
station who continues to call a DXpedition station on his own frequency, and ignores the
multitude of nice and/or rude reminders from the Up Police that the station is
working split, there awaits for them a worse, but aptly deserved, destiny. Continued ignoring of stations who insist on
throwing out their call atop the DX station, thinking they are going to work him there,
will often have someone answer him, just as though they really were the desired
station. The station receives a report which
they believe is from the desired station and they go their merry way to sit back a wait
for that juicy DX QSL card or LoTW confirmation. This is a card, however, that they will never
receive since there was no actual contact with the DX station. If a station is idiotic enough to continually
transmit incorrectly, even though they have been informed, they deserve to be tricked out
of a legitimate confirmation. Fools do
foolish things and receive foolish results. Ding and working DXpeditions can
be one of the most satisfying and rewarding activities available to a licensed ham
operator. It can also be trying, sad, and
frustrating to both the amateur in pursuit of the DX contact, to the DX contact themselves
and to many others trying to make a DXpedition contact.
Common sense can usually spell the difference between a positive or a negative
experience. There
I feel better after venting
but gosh, I sure do miss seeing
the common sense that has made our hobby, and our country, great.
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