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WANTED! DESIGNERS WITH PROJECTS SUITABLE FOR AMATEUR OR COMMERCIAL RADIO, JOINT PROJECTS ETC. EMAIL DIRECTLY A unique range of PLUG in and Play soundcard to transceiver isolated interfaces all using professionally built circuit boards, making use of op amps, or 600 ohm transformers, and opto couplers to carry out the tasks of coupling the received, transmitted audio, ptt, and cw key lines between a transceiver, and PC. Thereby isolating the common ground connection which would otherwise exist between the two equipments, the CATOPTO is the only known interface which maintains full ground isolation with its inbuilt CAT radio control facility, all from only ONE com port, now includes an internal audio vox ptt. All these products are ground isolating, and I should add that whether you purchase any of these products or not YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY OR BUILD A KIT OR INTERFACE WHICH DOES NOT ISOLATE GROUNDS BETWEEN YOUR PC AND RADIO....do so at your own risk to your VERY expensive equipments. The range of transceivers which can be controlled directly by our CATOPTO models includes ICOM, TEN-TEC, Kenwood, and YAESU. Check out our CAT control unit for the FT817 transceiver Older transceivers may not have the facility for CAT radio control. But using our OPTO-IFmodels, they can still have isolated audio, and ptt / keying lines, as Tx audio, and ptt can be fed into the microphone socket, and received audio taken from a headphone output. So this really means that any transceiver can make use of soundcard software's. In transceivers which are not considered stable enough, or allow netting to a signal which has less than 40Hz bandwidth, then it is possible in PSK31 etc to make use of the tracking facilities within the software's, and leave the transceiver set to one frequency within the useable passband. There are an increasing number of new modes using the PC's soundcard capabilities, and SSTV, CW, PSK, FSK, RTTY, MTTY, THROB, HELL, AX25, PACTOR, are the common ones, all of which can be used with the facilities in our interfaces. The scope for discussion on various modes is beyond the space which is available here, and our explanation has been kept simply to show the use of our interfaces. The * OPTO-IFII *does not require any external power at all, and simply connects in the same manner as the other models giving full isolation of rx audio, tx audio, ptt, and cw keying output as standard. There are pre set level controls for both rx and tx audio, in order that you may if you wish, adjust the unit to suit your setup / software. There is an option for those whom may wish to purchase the ready built pcb ( without case, connectors, or cables ) to fit into their own unit. This is now offered as an alternative product. The OPTO-IFII is ideal for controlling a transceiver with the M0ZPD eQSO internet gateway software from ver 1.09 upwards which allows for com port ptt control on the server versions. Or of course for EchoLink control using that software's own internal DTMF decoder, and RTS capability for ptt. The " OPTO-IFIIA " , and CATOPTO-IFIIA models are designed for those transceivers which have dual receive audio channels, or main, and sub band rx audio. These models will allow the user to switch between the two audio channels, for decoding or monitoring. Whichever is selected for decoding purposes will be coupled through the interface. So now you can decode signals on the sub audio, whilst continuing to listen on the main audio channel, or visa versa. A new version of the OPTO-IFII is now available called the OPTO-IFMKII which has it's own internal audio vox ptt switching facility. There is also an OPTO-IFMKIIA which includes it's own speaker, and volume control. Another version of the CATOPTO interface named the "CATOPTO-MKII" has selectable onboard audio VOX or COM port ptt switching( With the VOX version ), and built in the same style case as the EchoLink controller with all connectors emerging from the rear apron. VOX being a very useful feature if you have no spare com ports to control the ptt, typically useful with a laptop. Using an FT817 then these versions are the ultimate interface for you. We also manufacture a complete control unit for EchoLink internet linking. It is fully built, and on air tested, and housed in a black ABS case. Compatible with EchoStation, and EQso softwares etc using RTS ptt control. A PG-4S style programming cable is now available. Housed in a small abs box it is ready to plug into your radio and PC com port. Typically used for the TM-G707E . Recently added is the YPRO1 which is used to programme the SMC / Yaesu UHF / VHF transceivers. The unit is housed in a small ABS box with flying leads one of which has the 8 pin mic plug attached, and the other has a 9 way com port plug. The actual software is available, and I make no charges for including it on a 3.5" floppy. No rights are assumed by me on the software which is freely available. Also available now is the YPRO2 CT-29B type interfacing cable for programming FT8900R, FT8800, FT8100R, FT8000R, FT8500, and FT3000M transceivers. For use with Bob Freeth G4HFQ Radio Programming Softwares. Bob is not only the author of some superb softwares but a genuine radio amateur, and human being. He would never insert such in his web pages, but I can tell you he has customised softwares for disabled fellow amateurs, and is much more deserving of credit than this small entry on my pages. The MIXIF2 interface is an isolated interface. A complete isolated interface for those dedicated to the multimode MixW software features. Ideal on MixW . It has ptt, cw key outputs, as well as an input for a paddle keyer, makes it easy to interface a paddle key with these softwares. No free serial ports ? then this is the interface for you. All products are manufactured using the latest available design, and componentry. All cables are included, and plug into the units....truly plug and play. ALL COSTS ARE SHOWN IN UK POUNDS STERLING. IF PAYING BY U.S DOLLARS OR EUROS PLEASE CALCULATE ON CURRENT EXCHANGE RATES. IF YOU HAVE A PERSONAL PAYPAL ACCOUNT YOU CAN SIMPLY PAY DIRECTLY. IF PAYING BY CHEQUE PLEASE EMAIL FOR INSTRUCTIONS. NOTE THAT PRICES SHOWN DO NOT INCLUDE POST (SHIPPING) OR PACKING. Customised interfaces can be made for amateur or commercial use Pay securely with any major credit card through PayPal !. Please Note If Paying Via PAYPAL Please add 4% To The Purchase Cost To Cover PAYPAL'S Charges.
Hit the buttons for a picture and description
( Note Shipping/Postal Costs are not included in the prices.
OPTO-IFII Designed to operate with any transceiver for all modes which use a PC soundcard | |
OPTO-IFIIA As above but added switch to select audio for transceivers with main/sub audio outputs | |
OPTOIF-MKII Updated version of the opto-ifii it has built in audio vox, and a re vamped case | |
OPTOIF-MKIIA The same as the OPTO-IFMKII Internal monitoring speaker, and volume control for those who need to use the speaker output of their radio for interfacing. | |
CATOPTO-MKII A CAT version of the opto-if . Unlike other CAT interfaces this needs ONLY ONE com port for all. | |
CATOPTO-MKII VOX is the same as the above but includes audio vox ptt operation as well as com port ptt. | |
ECHOLINK Designed as a controller for EchoLink. It is a dedicated unit with options for RTS control. | |
MIXIF2 LPT Port Isolated interface with a paddle key input, and both ptt and cw key outputs, as well as rx audio, and txaudio isolation between radio, and PC. For use with MixW or TRLog type softwares. | |
There Are Also The Following Products Available |
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Payment ETC Please Read Payments can currently be made by cheque ( email for information), or by electronic fund, bank to bank transfer or credit cards via Paypal. ALL payments to be made in Pound Sterling ( for US$ multiply Pound Sterling by current exchange rate.) PLEASE EMAIL FOR SHIPPING/POSTAL CHARGES AS THESE ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRICES ABOVE. If you have a PAYPAL account you can also pay directly to the email address at the bottom of the page, that way you can pay in various currencies. Typical shipping from receipt of order is 5 days. If you are not in the UK, most banks can draw a sterling cheque on a UK bank for you, although cheques made out in Euros are acceptable from European banks. ( Convert from pound sterling on the day rate ) Ensure you tell us your radio type, and com port type ie 9 or 25 way. It may sound strange, but PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL DETAILS INCLUDING shipping address which you supply are correct. PLEASE NOTE IN ALL CASES THE SHIPMENT OF GOODS PAID BY CREDIT CARD VIA PAYPAL WILL ONLY BE MADE TO THE ADDRESS OF THE CARD OWNER, UNLESS YOU MAKE A REQUEST BY EMAIL TO SHIP ELSEWHERE AT YOUR RISK ( Such emails will be checked for their authenticity BEFORE ANY changes are made to a shipping order). Please email before placing an order so that confirmation of your requirements can be made easily. All enquiries / direct payments to EZE (UK). 10 Carr Meadow. PR5 8HS. UK Fax: +44 (0) 1772 517737
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Webpage by EZE(UK) All Rights Held |