MFJ 1899T Telescoping Antenna Jumper connections are numbered 1 through 6 with #1 closest the BNC connector and #6 at the top 80 meters (no jumper connected) - whip approx. 48" 40 meters (#1 conncected to #2) - whip 47" 30 meters (#1 conncected to #2) - whip 15" 20 meters (#1 conncected to #2) - whip 39" 17 meters (#1 conncected to #3) - whip 47" 15 meters (#1 conncected to #4) - whip 21" 12 meters (#1 conncected to #4[5?]) - whip 48" 10 meters (#1 conncected to #5) - whip 39" 6 meters (#1 conncected to #6) - whip 33" 4? meters (#1 conncected to #6) - whip 19" Length of telescopic sections are for lowest freq. in band and with ground plane wire connected to radio. Best length for ground plane (radial) wire is less than 1/4 wave 180 divided by freq(in MHz)= length in feet. Telescopic sections can be adjusted for best SWR. With #1 connected to #6 it will also make a reasonable 5/8 wave on 2 meters and Airband. Telescopic length on 2 meters -- approx. 45" Telescopic length on Airband --- approx. 50"