I Know that some people keep clear of Microprocessors so here is a simple way of get the advantages that a simple touch tuner gives with the FT817, the disadvantage with this circuit is that it will only work for USB & LSB and not CW (Just hold the key down in this mode!)

The Five Minute One Touch Tune

Having just acquiring a FT817 and having built one of the Z11 auto tuners I wanted a easy way to generate carrier without having to make multiple key presses of the very small mode switches just above the display , so I came up with the simple idea of putting a audio oscillator into the microphone case. The simplest design I could find was one by G3RJV in sprat 21 for the sidetone oscillator in the JU6 design . I quickly built this in ugly bug style, covered it in epoxy glue and when dry squeezed it into the mics case. This mod will mean that the Fast Tune switch on the microphone will now only generate tone but for me this was not any real problem. Details below for anyone that is interested.

To Use it press the PTT and then the FST button on the microphone, tone will be transmitted until you release the FST button. This can easily be done with one hand. The idea can of cause be used for many transceivers not only the FT817. The current consumption of the device is not very high ,mine is about
390mA when in use.

Its Cheep and it works, so build one!
Paul M0BMN G-QRP No. 9897

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