The three files cat.asm, cat.sch & cat.brd will allow you to build a Direct Frequency Entry Keypad using a PIC16F84. The unit will allow frequency entry of any frequency in the range of the FT817. It will allow re-sending of the last frequency sent. It will work out the appropriate Mode & if necessery repeater offset size and direction. It obtains its power drom the FT817 minidin connector on the rear of the FT817. Approx 2.2 mA, when a key is pressed and about 1.2 mA , when no key is pressed. The 78L05 requires about 1 mA. I will probably change the power feeding at some stage , to economize on power. My aim is to make it cordless with an infrared link ratted out of an old VCR/TV etc. I offer this information for the purpose of experimentation & home browing. No commercial exploitation is permitted without my written consent. I acknowledge that I use a modified version of someone else's asynchronous serial. I think it came from the Microchip CD Lee VK3PK