Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:34:04 -0000 From: "jack_colton" Subject: Let's all Shop, Compare and Post any discounters Link to FCC Site: mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=522191 &fcc_id='AFJ242700' You will probably have to repaste each row back into the original URL. Now, everyone search and ask your dealers today, how much the IC-7000 is. So far, everyone I am checking quote $1499 for the radio, and $80 for the 7 meter extension cable and $21 for the MB105 bracket for the control head. Is anyone giving these necessary remoting accessories away? ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:34:04 -0000 From: "jack_colton" Subject: Let's all Shop, Compare and Post any discounters Link to FCC Site: mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=522191 &fcc_id='AFJ242700' You will probably have to repaste each row back into the original URL. Now, everyone search and ask your dealers today, how much the IC-7000 is. So far, everyone I am checking quote $1499 for the radio, and $80 for the 7 meter extension cable and $21 for the MB105 bracket for the control head. Is anyone giving these necessary remoting accessories away? ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 13:20:23 -0000 From: "kb6muz" Subject: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? Now that some of us have had a few hours to use the 7000, I'm curious about your experiences. I've had a few HF QSOs on it and here are my thoughts. Receive - In general it's very nice. It's where this radio really shines. - On SSB and AM - noise blanker works quite well for me, much better than my 706. It's really quite impressive on 80m. - Have yet to hear any distortion caused to strong signals with the NB active (like in the 706). - Squelch seems to be vastly improved - usable on AM, unlike that of the 706. - Pre Amp does what it should. - Short-wave sounds quite nice - the adjustable pass band is just great... and for CW, wow... outstanding. - Manual Notch filters are very effective, though I have noticed some distortion on strong signals. - Automatic Notch seems to work pretty well. Transmit - It's where I have a lot of issues with this radio. Transmitted wide SSB sounds quite nice, yet the mid and narrow modes seem to have some ringing (more on this later). I find the default compressor setting a little too aggressive, but it's easily adjustable. A curious note - it appears that altering the compressor setting (on or off) may also alter your bandwidth selection. For instance if you've been in wide and turned the compressor on and off, then shifted to medium with the compressor off, and you decide to engage the compressor... you'll end up loud and wide! The bandwidth you last used the compressor on is what it reverts to when selected. This seems like a bug, as it doesn't behave this way if you shift out of the M-3 menu and back again to select another compressor/bandwidth setting. Without a second receiver you'd never know because there is no indication of transmit bandwidth on the display unless you hit the TBW button to check). Now, why Icom didn't simply repurpose the receive PBT icon, turn it red and have it indicate the TX bandwidth (during transmit), I have no idea. Anyway, this could be problematic, it's certainly enough to keep you on your toes if you're one to change settings during a QSO. It also brings me to list another annoyance. The monitor is not a true post modulator reference, in other words, the audio you hear is not what is really going out over the air. Rather, it appears to be simply the audio that's picked off from the mic and passed on via a compressor/limiter with an overly slow recovery/release. I checked this out with headphones. If you make a loud sound the level is ducked and takes a few seconds to return to "normal" volume. Totally different from what is going out over the air (the over air audio has a well managed response time). Additionally, even with the monitor volume menu setting at 100% I find the monitor volume uselessly low - so much so that if the volume knob is adjusted to give enough monitor level, after transmission the receive noise is about 4 times too loud. Another problem I have is there is a high pitched noise mixed in with the receive audio (maybe near 15 kHz) that is most noticable with headphones on (it may be mode related). There is also some broad band noise in there too. Built-in speaker volume still has the old 706 type "on-off" level at the quiet end of the volume knob. In a mobile this isn't an issue, but if you operate from a quiet shack it's enough to be annoying. In SSB transmitted audio there is a repeating low level (quite) clicking noise whenever the compressor is engaged. If the Comp level is adjusted during transmission, there is encoder "zipper noise" in the transmitted signal. The transmitted signal on Mid and Narrow modes seems to have a ringing to it. I'm not sure if this is "normal" (this is my first DSP based transmitter) but to me it sounds as if their filters slopes are, perhaps, too sharp? I haven't heard anything sounding quite like this on the air from other DSP radios, like the ProIIIs, etc. Again, I don't know, but wide does sound quite good. When the RF Power output is at a reduced setting, the display shows a spike on key (in AM mode). I'm not sure if the spike is present in the RF output or not, hopefully someone with a scope can look into this as it could be problematic with amplifiers (as it is with the 706). Transmitted audio in AM mode seems unbelievably low (even when the mic level is set at 100%). I don't have a meter to check this but it sounds around 50% modulated or lower. There is no Compressor available in AM mode. Additionally, the radio seems to be highly susceptible to hum and issues associated with RF feedback during AM transmit. Much more so than the 706, which I had sitting right next to it, tested using the same antenna, same power supply etc. Curiously enough it doesn't seem to impact SSB so far as I can tell. I'll need to double check this into a dummy load as a control. Audio also seems low on FM (regardless of TX bandwidth) - again, even with the mic level set to 100%. I think some of the problem could be the microphone itself, though it does sound good (to me) on wide SSB. Perhaps there is something more going on here? VOX Gain setting needs to be nearly maxed out (unless one speaks very loud or eats the mic) in order to trigger it. Forget leaving the hand mic on a table or the use of non- amplified desktop mics, this baby is for headset mics. I could go on about the UI, and some poor design/missing features, etc. but I don't want to rant too much. As I said earlier, the receiver really impresses me, however my feeling is the transmit side needs lots of work. Perhaps there are some internal adjustments to improve mic and vox gain, and tweaks that can be made to the transmit filters to clean up the SSB sound. DSP can be a wonderful and powerful thing, so long as it's programmed well and allows enough flexibility for various uses/users. This is obviously designed to be a SSB radio, and it seems the FM and AM performance unfortunately may have been overlooked - like DTMF in the microphone. I haven't checked out any 6m, 2m or 70cm performance yet. Maybe I've misjudged things a bit, lord knows there's still some pages of manual left to read. Maybe I'm being to harsh, expecting too much from it? But at this price point it should perform. Anyway, this is my take on things so far. Hopefully others will chime in with what they have found. ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 08:58:18 -0500 From: "James F. Boehner, MD" Subject: TV-PAL? Dick, Is it true that France has a special tax for radios that pick up broadcast stations, like Broadcast FM? Also, isn't there a TV tax in Great Britain? I wonder if this will make a difference in ICOM's decision. Our FCC has proposed dropping the requirement of Amplifier manufacturers not allowing 24-30 MHz out of the box (modifiable with proof of ham license), but in terms of acting on that proposal, they are working at the speed of government. '73 de Jim N2ZZ > Javier, > > I think on European units TV reception will NOT be disabled. [But the > French units maybe ;-))))] > After all I am confident in our common sense. Our amplifiers have a 10 > meter bandswitch position too. > > Cheers, Dick _______________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 15:05:47 -0000 From: "rrkpl" Subject: TV Mod Question I'm currently in a place with very limited tool selection (no soldering iron) and was wondering if the diodes for the TV mod were big enough to snip with a small set of end cutters? I have no intention of restoring the mod. Thanks, Richard / N1VXW ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 15:37:17 +0000 From: Jerry Flanders Subject: RE: MARS MOD... At 05:25 12/10/2005, you wrote: > > I generally take the iron and >hit either side of the diode back and forth till the device and the board >are hot enough for the solder on one side to stay liquid as I move to the >other side. >Steve, N5AC Been there, done that. It works. BUT - I think next time I will warm up TWO irons and hold one to each side. Jerry W4UK ________________________________________________________________________ Adam Farson Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005 4:09 AM To: Subject: RE: [IC-7000] MARS MOD...(and TVRO) Hi Steve, Given the fact that all the mod information is now in the Files and Photo sections of the group, do you think a web page will still be useful? If so, will you be agreeable to my using your mod descriptions (with pubs credit, of course)? Best 73, Adam, VA7OJ/AB4OJ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 14:50:26 -0000 From: "dietmarfichter" Subject: RX expanded mod? There is an RX range expand mod shown on The diode that is removed is different, not MARS or TV, then any of the once shown on this site. Does anyone know what that is all about? Also is it possible to open the IC-7000 up for 220MHz operation? Dietmar VE3CG _______________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 17:25:47 -0000 From: "Karl Geng" Subject: Re: RX expanded mod? --- In, "dietmarfichter" wrote: > > There is an RX range expand mod shown on The diode that is > removed is different, not MARS or TV, then any of the once shown on > this site. Does anyone know what that is all about? > > Also is it possible to open the IC-7000 up for 220MHz operation? > > Dietmar VE3CG > Dietmar, the mod on the Danish page is for expanded RECEIVE only. Unfortunately 199 to 400 MHz is NOT possible. Karl N1DL ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 12:19:35 -0500 From: "James F. Boehner, MD" Subject: Re: Digest Number 235 Go to the files section of the group and download the file IC7000 MODS.doc . That WORD document has both narrative and photos of the mods. '73 de Jim N2ZZ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 10:09:27 -0800 From: "Brent Finster \(personal\)" Subject: RE: MARS MOD...(and TVRO) You guys are awesome! It took me about 24 minutes from start to finish. Both the TVRO and the MARS mods work perfectly! Thanks Brent K6BEF ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 13:10:15 -0500 From: Alan NV8A Subject: Re: Re: RX expanded mod? On 12/10/05 12:25 pm Karl Geng tossed the following ingredients into the ever-growing pot of cybersoup: > > There is an RX range expand mod shown on The diode that is > > removed is different, not MARS or TV, then any of the once shown on > > this site. Does anyone know what that is all about? > > > > Also is it possible to open the IC-7000 up for 220MHz operation? > the mod on the Danish page is for expanded RECEIVE only. > > Unfortunately 199 to 400 MHz is NOT possible. So what extra frequencies does this expanded RX mod. get us? (Just curious, as I don't see one of this rigs in my immediate future.) Alan NV8A ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 13:49:44 -0500 From: "James F. Boehner, MD" Subject: RX expanded mod? Generally, I find it hard to get information about radios in each country. Each country has its own individual laws as to what is allowed in a stock radio shipped to that country. I have mapped out solder blobs on the Yaesu handhelds (VX-2,5,6 and 7) but it was like pulling teeth to get information from list members from different countries to give me their solder blob configuration. Here, I hope that we get pictures of the diode configurations from each country (hint, hint!). Someone had mentioned on this list that all the CPU's, no matter what the country, are the same, mainly for financial reasons. I found that with the Yaesu Handhelds, there are actually at least three CPU's, confirmed by different part numbers, one from USA (to positively block Cell frequencies at the CPU level), Japan (to positively block out-of-band transmit at the CPU level), and the Euro models that can be configured for any country. Apparently Japan has restrictions on reception as well. Oba said that the Japanese version of the IC-7000 will receive 30 kHz to 146 MHz, and 430 MHz-440 MHz, unmodified. Although the mod on does not offer much information, I believe that is a Japanese version of the IC-7000, where the detailed mod would allow extended receive similar to the USA model: 30 kHz to 199.999 MHz and 400 to 470 MHz. This diode is not present in the stock USA (#5) configuration. You will note from the Japanese diode configuration, the diodes that we remove to allow the MARS (extended transmit)mod and the TVRO activation are not present. My assumption is that the Japanese IC-7000 has a different CPU than the USA version, and that out-of-band transmit is blocked at the CPU level-so a diode in that position would not be necessary (as is done with the Yaesu Handhelds). Wouldn't it be interesting if a diode change would change the TVRO from NTSC to PAL or vica versa? It wouldn't be out of the question! Now if I could get a full diode matrix info sheet-doubtful. I'm sure it is locked in a filing cabinet at ICOM Japan! Looks like research and information sharing will be the only way to find this out. '73 de Jim N2ZZ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 19:00:35 -0000 From: "sun4fj" Subject: Re: MARS MOD...(and TVRO) Brent - Does one just soften the "globs" of solder at each end of these diodes - and they come loose? Are there long leads to worry about? Fred N3CSY ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 20:01:14 +0100 From: "Javier" Subject: Re: Re: RX expanded mod? Hallo Alan Some countries require that Ham radios only transmit and RECEIVE in the local Ham radio bands. So that mod makes it a general HF receiver. Does it sound silly? Ham Transceivers and any receivers are free sale here, so really I dont see the point in it. I can understand Tx limitations, as we have different band plans.. But receive? ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 12:36:23 -0800 From: Adam Farson Subject: RE: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? Hi Seth, Many thanks for the detailed and interesting user review. I can confirm your findings in the receive department; I had the same impression of the receiver during my evaluation session at Icom America HQ. My report is in the "Files" section. I did not exhaustively test the transmitter, but received excellent SSB audio reports from Marty KA7GKN, who has a very critical ear in such matters. I was using the MID and WIDE TOBW settings, with about 6 dB of compression. The use of no more than 6 dB of compression is always recommended in SSB mode. As I recall, it is possible to switch compression on of off inadvertently when changing TOBW between Wide, Mid and Nar. One can also do this with the IC-756Pro series. It would be desirable to display an icon such as "COMP-ON-MID" on the IC-7000 screen, as is none in the IC-756Pro series. Apart from the possibility of accidentally selecting an unwanted COMP/TOBW combination, compression tends to increase TOBW by approx. 100 Hz. George W5YR discovered this effect. On the monitor - unlike the IC-756Pro series, where the monitor is post-DAC, the IC-7000 appears to have struck a compromise. In the Pro series, a mixer which uses the 36 Hz DSP clock as an LO down-converts the transmit IF leaving the DAC to baseband. It is possible that the lower final IF used in the IC-7000, and/or the dual-DSP design, made this configuration problematical. I agree that a post-DAC monitor would have been much more desirable than the audio monitor. I must admit that I did not try out the monitor on the IC-7000 I evaluated, but your comments are well taken. Likewise, I cannot comment on VOX from personal experience, but your observations are helpful. Did you try VOX with a headset? "Cogging" sounds in control encoders are fairly commonplace. The IC-756Pro-series Manual Notch and Twin PBT controls exhibit slight "cogging" when rotated in the presence of a signal. The reason is that the CPU scan point which scans the control is a coarse ADC. The repeated clicking sound may be a problem. On AM: It is easy to set up AM in a radio which has a real-time spectrum scope. One sets the resting-carrier output to 25W (^6 dB below rated SSB PEP or CW output), then adjusts Mic Gain such that the sidebands are 6 to 7 dB below the carrier on voice peaks. When setting up AM on the IC-7000, one would need an oscilloscope, an RF spectrum analyser or a radio fitted with a real-time scope to perform this adjustment. Using an oscilloscope, you can adjust Mic Gain such that the peak-to-peak amplitude of the modulation envelope on voice peaks is a little less than twice the resting-carrier amplitude. The IC-756Pro series also disable compression in AM mode. The sideband-carrier relationships in a low-level AM system such as this need to be carefully managed to prevent unwanted ALC action on voice peaks (and the resulting carrier starvation). If you wish, you can investigate AM transmit operation in greater depth, using an audio tone generator and an oscilloscope. If you have access to a spectrum analyser or an Icom radio with a real-time scope, so much the better. Once again, many thanks for sharing your observations on the IC-7000 with the group. Cheers for now, 73, Adam VA7OJ/AB4OJ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 22:14:41 -0000 From: "bty806030" Subject: Re: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? - (Now tx audio) Just a thought but is Icom still inserting that silly rubber insert between the mic insert & the inner face of the mic , like they did on the 706 range which drastically cut back tx audio until removed. John G0VGZ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 22:39:21 -0000 From: "sun4fj" Subject: Re: TV Mod Question Steve - Are these diodes - soldered to what looks like pads, at each end of device? Or is there some connection underneath these devices? Do we need "soldering dewick" stuff? Fred N3CSY --- In, "Stephen Hicks, N5AC" wrote: > > > I'm currently in a place with very limited tool selection (no soldering iron) and was wondering if the diodes for the TV mod were big enough to snip with a small set of end cutters? I have no intention of restoring the mod. Richard / N1VXW > Yes, you could. If you decide to do this (I wouldn't), be sure to have a > vacuum handy or something to get all the pieces off the PCB. There are lots > of very small SMT components and I wouldn't want the pieces floating around > to cause a problem. Theses diodes aren't glass also so when you cut there's > a possibility that the force will rip the pad off of the PCB. If this > happens, it is possible that you would never be able to restore it to the > original condition, even if you bought a diode. Steve, N5AC ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 18:34:28 EST From: Subject: Re: TV Mod Question they are solder pads! i made the mod but i just "busted em out" i would ruin it if i tried to un solder those tiny parts! works perfect! gotta be careful, tho.. don-kd9mf ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 15:37:39 -0800 (PST) From: Thomas McDuffie Subject: Re: TV Mod Question Take a pencil tip solder iron to one side of diode and push gently. It will lift up and stand on end or just fall off. Thats all you need to do. Do not attempt to just break it with a cutting tool. You will destroy the board. ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 18:45:39 -0500 From: "Keith LaBorde - K4KAL" Subject: Re: TV Mod Question I used toe nail clippers on my T90A which has similar... It made a nice clean cut. Keith, K4KAL ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 00:50:18 -0000 From: "zborg2001" Subject: Loss of Band Edge Beep Function with MARS Modification Hi there group. Upon completing the MARS modification, my radio no longer will beep at the band edges, even though the beep menu item for this is set to "on." Be aware of this, please. 73, Paul WN7T ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 16:58:43 -0800 From: "Paul Marbourg" Subject: Band Edge "BEEP" Function Non-functional After MARS Modification Hi there. The band edge beep function no longer functions after doing the MARS modification to my radio. The band edge beep menu fuction is set to "ON," but does not work anymore. Please note this if you plan to do the MARS modification to your radio. 73, Paul WN7T ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 15:14:33 -0700 From: Mark Krotz Subject: Re: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? Adam Farson wrote: Apart from the possibility of accidentally selecting an unwanted COMP/TOBW combination, compression tends to increase TOBW by approx. 100 Hz. George W5YR discovered this effect. This url doesn't appear to resolve. ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 22:10:16 -0500 From: "James F. Boehner, MD" Subject: Re: Band Edge "BEEP" Function Non-functional After MARS Modification Just added that information to the IC7000 MODS.doc file in the files section. '73 de Jim N2ZZ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 19:21:09 -0800 From: Ken Arck Subject: Re: Band Edge "BEEP" Function Non-functional After MARS Modification At 10:10 PM 12/10/2005 -0500, you wrote: The band edge beep function no longer functions after doing the MARS modification to my radio. The band edge beep menu fuction is set to "ON," but does not work anymore. <-----I guess because there are no longer band edges for the transmitter, eh? Ken ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 23:19:20 -0500 From: Alan NV8A Subject: Re: Loss of Band Edge Beep Function with MARS Modification Did the band-edge beeps correspond to the actual ham bands anyway? On the 706MkIIG they occur at multiples of 100KHz, IIRC (mine is still in the shop). Alan NV8A On 12/10/05 09:40 pm zborg2001 tossed the following ingredients into the ever-growing pot of cybersoup: Upon completing the MARS modification, my radio no longer will beep at the band edges, even though the beep menu item for this is set to "on." Be aware of this, please. ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 01:11:56 -0500 From: "James F. Boehner, MD" Subject: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? This is a popular question. In the end, it is up to the service center. If the damage occurs while doing the modification, it would probably not be covered, but if the radio is modified and another fault occurs in the radio unrelated to the modification, I would think the warrantee would be honored. There is no seal or nail polish anywhere on the unit to identify entry into the unit, so if you are careful and don't take the paint off the screws while disassembling the radio, it may not appear that any entry was made. Of course, the tech could look for the modification; but if unrelated, it would probably be ignored. Perhaps there is someone on the list that has had repair experience with ICOM. '73 de Jim N2ZZ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 01:31:37 EST From: Subject: Re: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? When I worked for Kenwood, our policy was pretty much as described by Jim, N2ZZ. If someone did a stupid modification to get more power output than was intended, the warranty was void. A MARS mod for instance, done correctly was ignored. Still, getting into a radio in the first year, should be a cause for concern. Stuart K6YAZ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 08:14:59 -0000 From: "nicolasc33" Subject: Rear tuner socket & fan. Not my idea, but can be useful for the IC-7000 I have not seen a IC-7000 yet and the manual does not show precisely the details of the back of the radio. But it seems there are protuding cooling fins. I got the idea, maybe from the 706 group, to fit a fan, and feed it via the tuner socket power. According to Radio Shack the radio is considered "female" Catalog #274-234 and the tuner would be "male" Catalog #274-224. The fan can be fixed with some plastic piece between fins (I dont know the name in english) used to place a screw in a wall. If you are using an external ATU you need both connectors to provide a "female" for the tuner. It is advisable to place a 100Ohm resistor in series with the +13.8V line to protect it in case of shorts, and use thermoretractil plastic tube over it. This makes the fan run quieter too. I guess a 5cm (2 inch) fan can be placed somewhere in the back, and help a lot in lowering temperature, as I guess the radio has a single massive chassis, so cooling one place is cooling all. Radio Shack does not sell outside USA.. so I cannot get the parts here. I dont remember from where I got the idea... sorry Javier EA4CWY ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 09:33:25 +0000 From: Stephen Prior Subject: Re: TV-PAL? There certainly is a TV 'tax¹ in UK, it¹s the price we pay for the BBC not having advertising ­ and too high a price it is. Sellers of any apparatus capable of receiving TV transmissions have, by law, to pass on the name and address of the purchaser to the licensing authorities. However the ?tax¹ is not paid on the purchase price, it¹s an annual fee. Fines for avoiding paying a license are huge. There are teams travelling around the country knocking on doors of homes without a license checking that they have no TV. One of the very few things I don¹t like about this country! 73 Stephen G4SJP ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 06:05:50 -0500 From: "Scott L. Glidden" Subject: RE: MARS MOD...(and TVRO) Just did the mod! Great work guys! Works great... Has anyone managed to figure out how to get into the alignment menu yet? I have to calibrate the Smeter on vhf/uhf. Max signal received measures +20 which I know is incorrect... I am able to calibrate this through the alignment menu on my 910H and Pro2, so I ASSUME this would be possible on this radio as well... ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 12:07:04 -0000 From: "sun4fj" Subject: Re: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? I suspect its a little like working on your own car, if you're handy. Or doing a good share of your own maintenance, if you own or bought a new boat. When in doubt - take it to the service department. And/or find or buy very good service literature and manuals. The problem Icom has so far presented us with the IC-7000, they have yet to provide us with maintenance, service, or schematic manuals. They've left us on our own. Fred N3CSY ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 12:09:34 -0000 From: "sun4fj" Subject: Re: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? I'd still say Icom shares some of the service/maitenance blame - if they have failed to deliver any service, maintenance or system/schematic manuals. Fred N3CSY ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 08:56:35 -0500 From: "Jeff Griffin" Subject: Re: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? I just got around to listening to my transmitted audio. I've been playing around using my 7000 as receiver in a two radio satellite station using SATPC32. It makes a very nice RX IF for sat ops, I can't wait to try it as a RX IF on mode S. I did make a few HF contacts, and asked for audio reports and got the usual, sound's good. I took that to mean there was nothing really wrong with my transmitted audio. I was running no compression, mic gain at 50%, TBW wide. Now when I listen to my tx audio I also hear the ringing, But I hear it in all three TBW's, maybe a little less in the wide setting. I didn't fiddle with the bandwidths, I left them at the defaults. I also noted that the COM, and Mic gain settings don't seem to introduce a very big difference in the audio output level, sure you can tell when the compression in on, but I can't tell a difference between say a 3 and a 6. Same with the mic gain, it is off, then pops on and doesn't seem to change the level much as you set it all the way to 100%. Common sense dictates rather then my ears to set com at a setting of 4, and 50% for mic gain . I think a hidden menu setting for audio output is set too low. I hope it is anyway! On the 15kHz high pitched noise mixed in with the receive audio, I don't hear that, but I'm somewhat tone deaf, so it's not a problem here. The way the volume control works is ok also as I listen way above where it pop's in. The ringing, we will have to see about that. Did anyone get a critical on air report? Was the ringing mentioned? I will try to be around for the Icom 14316 net at 1700z today, running 100 watts.... 73 Jeff kb2m ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 16:02:28 -0000 From: "dietmarfichter" Subject: Re: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? Not so, the manufacturer is not obligated to include a schematic nor a service manual. The radio is under warranty for 1 year. If it breaks send it in for warranty repair but if you mess around in there during the warranty period that has consequences. After warranty you can do all the surgery you want. Hope to pick up my IC-7000 in early January, they should then be availabel in Canada according to Radioworld. Dietmar VE3CG ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 17:08:06 -0000 From: "sun4fj" Subject: Re: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? I expect a schematic, and system diagram - out of ICOM. For what they are charging - they owe us. Amateur Radio operators, licensed ones, expect and need such electrical info - if for nothing else, to better understand the electrical/electronics/systems working of the rig. Fred ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 10:18:46 -0800 From: Adam Farson Subject: RE: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? Hi Fred, I would not be overly concerned at present. Long before the warranty expires, a service manual will be available, for the benefit of those few owners who are sufficiently brave to attempt repairs to this small, tightly-packed piece of gear. Dietmar is correct. The manufacturer is not obligated to furnish service documentation free of charge to the end-user - especially when the expectation is that few end-users will even crack the case. Cheers for now, 73, Adam VA7OJ/AB4OJ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 10:23:51 -0800 From: Adam Farson Subject: RE: Re: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? Hi Fred, Patience is its own reward! Icom will issue a service manual in the next couple of months - in any case long before the warranty period is up. Best 73, Adam, VA7OJ/AB4OJ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 13:39:21 -0500 From: Alan NV8A Subject: Re: TV-PAL? Becauss they can get more money in the long run by charging a little (but not so little) each year than by adding a one-time extra tax (on top of the VAT) at the time of purchase. And to Stephen: Is there still a radio license fee as well? And are there still separate TV license rates for B&W and color sets? Alan NV8A (UK -- and Australian - citizen residing in USA) ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 13:46:47 -0500 From: Alan NV8A Subject: Re: MARS MOD...(and TVRO) On the 706MkIIG, the Setup menu is accessed by switching on while pressing both P.Amp/Att and Tune/Call. You could try that on the 7000, I guess. Alan NV8A ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 14:06:02 -0500 From: "James F. Boehner, MD" Subject: Re: TV-PAL? Stephen, If you could e-mail me directly about the annual cost of the tax, I would certainly be interested. I know that would not be a topic for this list. I know about the "Radio detector" trucks that search out local oscillator frequencies of TV's. Well, ICOM now has the option of sending PAL-ready TV's to the UK with the blocking diode in place, so they would not have to report it. Now that the Mod is known, it could still be activated by the ham consumer. '73 de Jim N2ZZ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 13:07:21 -0600 From: "Robert John" Subject: Re: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? For $1,500.00 it should have both. How much would it cost to include? Not much. ============================================================================== Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 14:14:09 -0500 From: "James F. Boehner, MD" Subject: Schematics/service manuals Just FYI, in the scanner world, Radio Shack and Uniden no longer provide schematics for their scanners that cover 800 MHz, and service manuals are unobtainable, even by order. In past years, however, they have become a bit lax in that regard, and I was able to purchase one or two service manuals, although a complete schematic was not included. In the FCC OET database, both Radio Shack and Uniden have listed their schematics as "private" and "proprietary" with request that they not be published on that site. This decision had to do with concerns of cellular band reception with modifications. I'm just happy we still have access to service manuals and schematics in the Amateur Radio world! '73 de Jim N2ZZ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 11:19:16 -0800 From: Adam Farson Subject: RE: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? Hi Bob, $50 or so for a service manual. I see no harm in offering the service manual as an extra-cost option; the majority of purchasers will not require it. After all, we can barely get them to take the supplied user manual out of its plastic wrapper! Best 73, Adam, VA7OJ/AB4OJ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 19:38:11 -0000 From: "Ya`akov N. Miles" Subject: Re: Radio + Mod <> Warranty? --- In, "Robert John" wrote: [snip] Hope to pick up my IC-7000 in early January, they should then be availabel in Canada according to Radioworld. Dietmar VE3CG BurnabyRadio in Vancouver, British Columbia, already has the IC-7000 in stock. They want CDN$1990 for it, and CDN$1150 for the IC-706mkiiG. I have no pecuniary interest in BurnabyRadio, just am a satisfied repeat customer. VE7ALQ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 14:47:09 -0500 From: MKM Subject: Re: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? On Dec 11, 2005, at 8:56 AM, Jeff Griffin wrote: I've been playing around using my 7000 as receiver in a two radio satellite station using SATPC32. It makes a very nice RX IF for sat ops, I can't wait to try it as a RX IF on mode S This is good to know. I am planning the same thing for the upcoming S mode bird due in 2006. On the 15kHz high pitched noise mixed in with the receive audio, I don't hear that This is a concern. How significant is the noise? Any other comments? It looks like this is the only major no-go for me. Other than that, Icom has a solid radio from introduction. ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 19:50:58 +0000 From: Stephen Prior Subject: Re: TV-PAL? Well, it's currently about 120 UKP per year; black and white is now free I think, but the broadcast radio license requirement must have been dropped at least 20 years ago I'm sure! Over 70s get the TV license free I believe, as do the registered blind. 73 Stephen G4SJP Any further discussion had I suspect better go to email, as it's somewhat OT! ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 12:21:00 -0800 From: Adam Farson Subject: RE: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? Are any other IC-7000 owners able to confirm the ~ 15 kHz tone on receive? This could be DSP clock "bleed-through"; the DSP clock frequency is 16.15 kHz. Suppression would be an easy task if it were a design issue. Best 73, Adam, VA7OJ/AB4OJ Owner, Yahoo! ic7000 Group ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 20:42:19 -0000 From: "kb6muz" Subject: Re: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? --- In, MKM wrote: On Dec 11, 2005, at 8:56 AM, Jeff Griffin wrote: ... On the 15kHz high pitched noise mixed in with the receive audio, I don't hear that This is a concern. How significant is the noise? Any other comments? It looks like this is the only major no-go for me. Other than that, Icom has a solid radio from introduction. I would like to see someone hook the radio's output up to an audio spectrum analyzer and hear what (if anything) they see on the screen. It's really the only way to be sure. Of course, lacking such gear, I could only speculate. I'd also be interested in the results of an RF analysis of the transmitted signal. I'm sure someone out here has the gear, and hopefully the time too. ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 22:27:36 -0000 From: "sun4fj" Subject: Re: You bought it, now you've used it... so what do you think? Hoping ARRL QST Lab folks, got an IC-7000. An early analysis would be nice to see. Fred N3CSY ________________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 14:28:05 -0800 From: Anthony Hardwick Subject: Re: Re: IC-7000 and ATAS-120 with its MFJ 1925 Controller I also have the same problem with the High Sierra "I-box". It will put it in tune mode, transmit 10 watts to tune, but when your done it makes my RX DEAD. I can unplug the tuner plug from the back of the radio and the RX comes alive. I had this exact problem with the Y-box controller that I bought with my High Sierra 1800 for my Yaesu 857D. I ended up buying a Turbo Tuner to replace the Y-Box, and that tunes the antenna automatically (essentially fooling the radio into thinking the HS1800 is an ATAS 120. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 02:58:39 -0000 From: "dietmarfichter" Subject: TVRO & MARS MOD Did the two mods today. The TVRO worked fine however the MARS is another story and "Yes" the right diode for the MARS mod was removed. After the MARS mod here is how my radio functioned: Just "Rotating" the main dial from 30Khz to 1.599MHz the radio is in the RX mode (green RX led is on). At 1.600MHz the radio goes into TX mode. The red Tx led turned on and stayed on until 54.005 MHz. At 54.006MHz the TX stopped, red TX led went out but the green RX led also stayed "off" until 60.00MHz then the green RX led came on and stayed on unitl 129.00MHz. At 129.005MHz the radio went back into the TX mode again until 174.00MHz. From 174.00MHz to 199.999MHz the radio went to RX mode. From 400.000Mhz to 470.000MHz the radio stayed in the TX mode. Re-installed the MARS diode and the radio operated normal as specified by the manufacturer. Removed the MARS diode again and radio operated again as described above. The MARS diode in my radio has now been re-installed and all is happy. Your milage may vary when the MARS diode is removed. Dietmar VE3CG ========================================================================== Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 03:34:25 -0000 From: "radioman12342004" Subject: Australian MARS mods It seems that the MARS mod is only good for the US market radios as the IC-7000 I received in Australia had extra diodes than that shown in the files section. Removing the diode for TVRO worked OK but the MARS diode when removed resulted in a reduction of TX on some of the bands. Resetting the radio gave no joy so I resoldered back the MARS diode to restore original full Australian band transmission ability. Guess I will have to wait until someone works out MARS mod for the Australian radios. Cheers Glenn ======================================================================== Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 17:07:51 -0000 From: "dietmarfichter" Subject: MARS MOD How come the offical Icom MARS mod file that was posted the site as late as last night Dec 30, 2005 showing that "TWO" diodes must be removed for successful MARS modification has been pullled as of December 31, 2005? Dietmar VE3CG ============================================================================ Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 17:32:36 -0000 From: Jón Þ Jónsson Subject: Re: MARS MOD unfortunately I did not see this document but I have an European version and I did have to remove two diodes for this modification to work. 73 de TF3JA ============================================================================= Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 12:41:07 -0500 From: "James F. Boehner, MD" Subject: MARS MOD I did not know the document was placed on the files list. I do know that the official mod sheet is proprietary-however the information can be derived from that document and rewritten, just like the Radio-Tech Modifications book. If someone will send me the official mod sheet, I will be happy to use the photos I took of the diode matrix and provide the info in a different form. '73 de Jim N2ZZ ============================================================================= Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2006 00:07:50 -0000 From: "dietmarfichter" Subject: Re: MARS MOD Jim, N2ZZ: yes it was there last night December 30, 2005 time 23:07:04 EST. The document was issued by Icom and the letterhead stated Bellevue. It descibed how to open up the TX on the IC-7000 from 0 to 54 MHz, from 118MHz to 173Mhz and from 400MHz to 470MHz. It showed a picture of the circuit board layout with the components labelled. There was an exploded view of the diode matrix and the diodes to be removed were outlined in a red perimeter box. Diode numbers were D2170 and D2172. Now the file has been removed, why? Dietmar VE3CG ========================================================================== Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 18:20:46 -0000 From: Jón Þ Jónsson Subject: Re: MARS MOD well it would be very helpful if we could have pictures of diode matrix in all versions and reports of which diodes have to be removed to extend the transmitting and/or the receiving coverage in each version. I am more than willing to present my pictures even if these are not of very good quality. Anyhow what I did was to remove the diode US version owners showed and in addition removed the diode that was in my transceiver but not in the US version.Very simple logic indeed but it would be better to know the exact and correct procedure. I do not see or understand the hush hush about this as I and many other people, hopefully most amateurs, have the skill and knowledge to build a transmitter for any frequency with any kind of modulation if I felt the need to do so. But I accepted to obey the rules and therefore I dont. But my newly bought IC-7000 could not before the modification transmit on all the frequencies I am licensed to it can. Happy new year, 73 de TF3JA ============================================================================= Date: Sun, 01 Jan 2006 10:37:54 -0000 From: "oe1mww" Subject: Re: MARS MOD --- In, "Jim N2ZZ" wrote: I'm not sure-perhaps the original poster decided to remove it. I would like to see it, though. I have downloaded it, as it was available. I am not sure if there are any legal rights on this document to mail or upload it again. ICOM's PCB plan numbers the 4 diodes in the left most column D2172 down to D2169 What confuses me is the fact that the: a.) shows 3 diodes in the left most column. The D2171 is allready removed. (original US version?) The mod says: remove the third diode (D2170) in the left column. b.) the company labled document 'IC-7000 cont. transmit.pdf' shows all four diodes in the left most column. The mod says to transmit full range - remove the D2172 plus D2170. So - whats the difference ? In the they don't remove the D2172 ? What is the D2172 good for? 73s Wolfgang OE1MWW ========================================================================= From: KENT HUFFORD Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 7:01 AM To: Subject: [IC-7000] 7000 and the Original Heil 706 Headset? I have one of the early Heil 706 headsets that has a straight cord from the headset to an RJ45, no adapters. Looking at the 7000 mic connection, pin 3 is not AF audio, like the 706. Not sure what it is, but my old 706 Heil headset will not work, right? Nor will a headset that has the standard ICOM 8 pin plug that fits the OPC 589? Thanks, Kent KQ4KK ------------------- Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 09:36:38 -0800 From: "Paul Marbourg" Subject: RE: 7000 and the Original Heil 706 Headset? Don't use the old Heil with the 7000. Pin 3 has been reassigned from AF Out to "M8V SW" and pin 8 has been reassigned from Squelch to "Data." 73, Paul WN7T ============================================================================= Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 16:21:58 -0500 From: "KENT HUFFORD" Subject: 7000 and the Original Heil 706 Headset - ADAPTED OK, after a trip to CompUSA.. Bought a 18" RJ45 straight thru cable and a Female to Female RJ45 adaptor. Broke(snapped apart) the adaptor in the center. Drilled a hole for another "speaker" cable with a 1/8" phone plug on it into the end of the adaptor. cut "pin 3" of the adaptor at the radio end, soldered that wire from the other end of the adaptor to the center wire of the 1/8" plug. Connected the barrel/ground of that plug to "pin 7" (ground) of the adaptor. Works like a champ.. No chopping up the Heil cable/headset. So, now my early Heil 706 headset, that did not have adaptors... has one for the 7000. Kent KQ4KK ============================================================================= Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2006 15:51:31 -0000 From: "Robin gw3zcf" Subject: Temp indicator I have just bought an IC7000 2 days ago, so am still getting used to it. I discovered a temperature indicator on the multi meter display, though I can't find any reference to it in my manual. When running about 40 watts of PSK31, the indication creeps almost up to the red region, though it has never yet quite gone into it. Is that a danger area, and if so, I guess one should stop transmitting? Also, with other rigs, I have always reduced the audio input on PSK31 until the ALC was zero. I can't quite manage to do that with the IC7000 - if I cut the ALC to zero, the RF power output drops to zero too. I need to have about one or two green bars at the bottom of the ALC scale to get any output. I have had complimentary reports on the IMD so far, but is this normal? Robin GW3ZCF ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= =============================================================================