READ ALL OF IT BEFORE PREFORMING THE MOD! Use a baby thermometor ( the electric kind w/ the digitial readout ) and see just how hot your rig is running before preforming the mod, I know most all of my readings were over 106F then the thermometer errored out as the temp was too high. Tempurature Measurements were made with a baby-tempurature thermometor ( sorry its all I had at the time ). Heres the Proof! ---------------- top - left front 94.6F top - left rear 103.8F top - right front N/A (below 85.5F unable to get reading) top - right rear 92.7F Right side front 90.6F Right side rear 91.5F Left side Front 95.0F Left side Rear 98.1F After cw keying for aprox 5 min continous duty the heat generated by the IC-7000 did rise enough to enable to the temp control circuit. Heres the good news! Once the temp control circuit kicks in, the fan goes into high-rpm mode!!! Then returns to 'normal' operation with the 2W / 100ohm resistor voltage. So with this mod, you get a dual speed fan without any additional modifications!! Forgot to mention, when you goto solder the lead to the red wire of the fan, please place a rag or something undeneath the area you will be working in ( its pretty tight ) to prevent any unwanted solder dripping down onto the main board. When closing everything all up, there is a little pink sticky pad ontop of the cover unit to access the mars/cap and tvro mod. Place your wire so its right on top of the sticky pad. Seemed to be the best place for it at the time. Options, the Red wire from the fan connecter to the main board could be snipped between the connector and the solder joint to avoid any complications with the temp circuit enabling. Additionally, the back left of the rig, still feels warm to the touch but its more of a luke-warm, instead of what it was previously which was excessivly hot. The back right, front left and front right all feel cool to the touch. Im sure there are better ways of preforming this modification, although just stealing 0.14A from the 12v+ DC on the tuner port seemed to make the most sense, since an LDG Tuner only uses 300mA when in operation. Although I do not know how this will affect the autotuner as I do not have one, I am unable to test this modification with an autotuner, such as the LDG Z11 or Z100. === MODIFICATION === Your Icom 7000 Running Hot? ... Heres the FAN mod! ( This has been untested with an inline tuner ) 1. Tuner Lead #3 is +12v DC, tap into Tuner Lead #3 with a wire ( theres enough room to simply slip a solid copper wire into the crimp for lead #3 ) 2. Add a 2W / 100ohm Resistor at the other end of the solid copper wire ( a 100ohm pot will work if you wish to be able to vary the speed of the fan ) 3. Strip the insulation of the red wire to the fan back just enough to make a solder connection to the 100ohm resistor / 100ohm pot. We used a lighter to burn away a bit of the insulation in the middle of the wire b/t where it connects to the board and where it connects to the fan itself. Wrap it all up with some electrical tape or heat shrink to prevent grounding. and Whala! Your Done!! Tuner Port on back of the IC-7000 ^ 1 2 3 +12v DC -> wire -> 100ohm resistor -> fan red wire 4 - A value of 0 resistance - sounds like an airplane ready for takeoff. ========================================================================================== IC-7000 runs hot Posted by: "scott4957" scott4957 Date: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:42 pm (PDT) The mod is in the files section, though there is really no need for it. The goal of the mod is to pull around 12 volts from somewhere in the radio and feed it into the red wire comming from the fan, by placeing a 100ohm resistor in line you will limit the current and bring the fan speed down. Like I was saying, just make sure where you pull the voltage from, that you are not robbing something else from needed power, this is why i recommend pin 8 of the ACC port if you are useing an auto tuner. If you are useing the ACC port as well, pin 8 will supply 1A at 13.7v, the fan uses 100-150mha. Just check to see what the draw is from the item in the ACC port and keep it all under 1 amp. As for the offical reply from Icom, (see below-JP) I had faith in Icom that the operating temp of the radio was okay. However there is no problem what so ever with wanting your radio to run cooler and if you have some type of problem with the radio you can be sure it was not caused by excessive heat. I would think the mobile guys would like this mod as the radio would be hot to begin with in the summer time. Do as you please, to the best of my knowledge there have been no radio failures due to heat. Scott KC9HLN ========================================================================================== IC-7000 runs hot Posted by: "kc0rdg" kc0rdg Date: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:59 pm (PDT) Well, I am in IT for a living. I have built all my computers that I've owned with the exception of the 1st one that got me through college. I am not a super engineer with reguards to the specifics of the 7k and what Icom has done. What I do know is that with any computer-type equipment, the cooler it runs, usually the better. I would be curious to find any electronic device where it is good to have it running warm or hot. I have resorted to just buying a computer case fan, coming up with a homemade mount and have it sitting on the right side (as your looking at the radio) facing towards the left pushing cool air over the heatsink in the back and some air under the radio. Is it necessary? Of course not. Icom designed the radio to run at the temperture it does with the fan kicking in when it does. I however, prefer to keep mine cooler by using this fan setup. It doesn't bother me, I have plenty of space on my desk, the fan was $12 and it isn't hurting anything by having the air blow over it. That's the way I see it. It's nice to know that if there are any components that are going to fail, it at least won't be because of heat. $1600 doesn't come that easy for me! ========================================================================================== IC-7000 runs hot Posted by: "Lnk3d Lnk3d" lnk3d Date: Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:20 am (PDT) Scott, This was my original intent was to pull 12-13.8v from somewhere else and lower the voltage to an acceptable level to run the fan continously. Maybe a push button or toggle switch located on the side or back of the IC7K to turn this mod on and off? Hows about an LED to indicate its on? Considring that pin 3 of the tuner is a + 12v and rated at 1A, in combination with an LDG AT_100pro tuner which only draws 500mA when tuning, more then enough power there to handle the fan, and the tuner. Unfortunatly I do not own or have in my possession either of the ICOM Tuners, although if youd like to send me one of each Id be more than happy to test and build a circuit which works the same. hihi Using the power from the ACC port is quite a possibility although should you ever down the line need to use that power from that port your now in trouble. There are some very very bright minds around here and if you would like I would be more than happy to open a discussion forum thread in the ic7000mods group for this topic and lets see if we cant build a better cicuit which accomodates everyones needs. -- I make this invitation freely and openly to anyone. Lnk3d - Creator of the IC7K Fan Mod ========================================================================================== IC-7000 ,13.8v (runs hot no more) Posted by: "Tom@madisound" xr7p47 Date: Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:35 am (PDT) Hello: I've been reading this thread for quite awhile. If you want 13.8v its right under your nose. PCB connector J2403 (the fan) is right next to J2404, which carries 13.8v on pins 1 thru 4 I believe, I put a rather small 1w 100 ohm metal film (Digikey), its about the size of a 1/4w carbon. If you have good SMD skills its a snap. In fact if you sent it back to Icom they may not even notice its there except for the fact the fan starts at pwr-up. If I remember right my fan drew about only 60 to 80ma. If you want a picture I could send it to someone who has the skills to post it. I've done some other things to, like getting it to modulate 100% on AM, change the ALC attack for clearer lows in the audio. Right now I'm working on Analog Devices SSM-1266 (preamp,comp,gate) in the mic case, plenty of room, and it sure helps that "wimpy Icom mic audio" before going into the rig. great rig - later Tom ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ICOM replies officially... Posted by: "Dave Flack, W6DLF" daveflack Date: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:23 pm (PDT) Here is ICOM's official reply to my query about the heat generated by the IC-7000. Dear Mr. Dave Flack / W6DLF, Thank you for choosing the Icom product. The IC-7000 makes heat especially in the transmit mode, and the heat is radiated with an internal fan, the aluminum dicast (chassis), and the top cover. To radiate the heat through the top cover makes you that you feel more hot than the other radios. There is the logic unit underneath the top cover. The unit has several IC chips installed including DSP processor. This unit also makes heat and the heat is radiated from the top cover as a heat-sink. Therefore, most of inside heat is radiated with these cooling system and the internal temperature is no problem. However, we will feed back your comment to our R&D for our future tech reference. Please feel free to contact us about anything in the future again. Thank you. Best regards, Y. Yano / JH3HWL / KC7YI Icom World Support Center ========================================================================================== ICOM replies officially... Posted by: "Johnny Siu" vr2xmc Date: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:17 pm (PDT) Good Dave. You now got a reply from Mr Yano San who is always helpful. You are lucky to have official dealer in US to provide support. There is no official dealer in Hong Kong. I have to rely on support from ICOM Japan. For the past 25 years experience with them, they are a responsible company. Don't fire me for apple polishing but I just tell what I have experienced for a quarter of century. 73 Johnny Siu VR2XMC ========================================================================================== Radio Temp Posted by: "Paul Deyo" crewcheef Date: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:32 am (PDT) I got out my trusty laser aimed infrared thermometer and came up with the following temps. Radio warmed up over an hour and NO transmit; receive only. Display ? 100.7 F Top case ? 116.2 F Heat sink - 117.6 F Left side case - 110.3 F Right side of case - 104.0 F Bottom ? 105.0 F With tilt stand down. Paul Deyo N1PD _____ From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Cameron Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:25 PM To: Subject: Re: [IC-7000] Radio Temp Just received a new IC-7000 and was wondering what experience others have had with operating temp. I have used the radio in receive mode only so far, and even though the temp meter shows 2-3 blue bars, the radio itself is pretty warm. I have measured the temp on the outside back portion of the radio at 105 degrees (the rig is being used in an air conditioned house--ambient temp 73 degrees). Any similar experiences? Mike W5MGC ========================================================================================== IC-7000 runs cool. Posted by: "dickster187" dickster187 Date: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:32 pm (PDT) With the fan pulling air out, there would be a problem if the onbord fan wanted to work, withc I never had the inbord fan runing while hot as a Hxxx. They would be working agenst each other.I have installed a small fliter on the back of the fan to keep some of the dirt from entering. Dick G ================================================================= --- In, "dickster187" wrote: > > Hi I just installed a 2inch fan on the back heatsink, blowing in and it > ran 10m FM for 30 and 2m for 10m minuts and it was as cool as when it > started. Using the 2 plastic molly to secure the fan, from article in CQ > mag. Is there any problem with doing this?? Dick G k2zb@... ========================================================================================== IC-7000 runs cool. Posted by: "Richard Rosenberger" pa7fa Date: Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:04 am (PDT) Dick, The stock fan, built into the radio by Icom, sucks-in air, and it exits it at the back. So if you want to filter it, i suggest you put a filter on top of the radio. An extra fan at the back, should be placed in such a way, it pulls air from the radio. Otherwise the fans would work against each other. A filter on the back of the radio, will prevent dust entering the air, from the radio ;-) The air-flow direction is the same with all 706, and 756 series. It enters at the front, and exists at the back. A simple test prove this: transmit in FM mode @ 100w into a dummy load, and after a few minutes you can feel the hot air coming out of the back of the radio. BTW i am confident Icom designed the ventilation system well. An external extra fan is only necessary if the radio is built into a case, in such a way the air cannot flow freely around it. My 7000 gets warm, even on RX, but the temperature is not higher than the 756-III i own. The entire case and frame of the 7000 (and the 756) is designed to remove the heat from critical components. The fan kicks in (on both radio's) if you are TX-ing, OR if the temperature is higher than designed, i.e. it keeps running on RX if the sensor tells the CPU the temperature is higher than normal. If the casing of the 7000 becomes 'hot' it only proves the energy of the critical components are cooled well by distributing the heat to the case, and the frame. Remember that we, humans experiencing 40-50 degrees centigrade as 'hot and unpleasant' while most electronic components does not have any problem at 70-upto 120 degrees centigrade and higher. So i conclude here the heat you feel touching the casing of the 7000 (and the 756) is only relative. If you use the radio as designed, you will not need an extra fan. Or even worse: if you put an extra fan on the back, blowing air into the radio, it will probably cool down the heat sink at the back, but by cancelling out the air-flow IN the radio, your finals will heat up more than with only one fan. If you want to have extra air flow, modify the radio in such a way the original fan runs at VERY low speed at RX, or make sure you choose the right air-flow direction. Richard pa7fa ========================================================================================== External fan! Posted by: "dickster187" dickster187 Date: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:43 pm (PDT) The fan runs in, and if it were to pull air out the fan's would be working aganst each other. When it runs as cool as this, it has to be better. After howers of use today the unit was as cool as when I stqarted. The inbord fan never comes on, as most who have a 1000 have stated regardless how hot the rig gets. I am adapting a small filter to keep excess dirt from entering. Pleas explain why this is not a good idea? ========================================================================================== External fan! Posted by: "Lnk3d Lnk3d" lnk3d Date: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:10 pm (PDT) Just to mention, since I posted the fan-mod for the 7000, I did a bit of research on the fan itself, and it seems there is a 'Big Brother' to the currently installed fan wihtin the 7000... I dont recall the exact specifications but it was the same size physically in all dimensions and had much more CFM vs the current or 'stock' fan. Just FYI ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ========================================================================================== ==========================================================================================