K5LAD - 50+ Years of Ham Radio Memories Volume XLVIII Look, Its the Lone Ranger! By Jim Pickett K5LAD
Search keywords: Ringo, Ringo Ranger, Derrick Electronics, Larsen antenna, unable to tune a Ringo, bad SWR During the early days of my owning Derrick Electronics in Broken Arrow, the Cushcraft Corporation of Manchester, New Hampshire came out with a new type of antenna for the growing 2 meter FM crowd. Cushcraft had already made a name for themselves with with several antennas including their 11 element 2 meter yagis that could be mounted ether in the horizontal plane for the older 2 meter AM group as well as a smaller group who operated 2 meter SSB and CW. They also had a nice line of other aluminum sculptures, mostly for the VHF and UHF bands. As I recall, this was prior to the days when Cushcraft started building their line of trapped, multi-band high frequency antennas now popular with a worldwide ham population. When 2 meter FM became popular in the mid 1960s, it was popular to use a ¼ wave ground plane which was, of course, vertically polarized with a 360 degree omni-directional radiation and receiving pattern. A few companies made available, to the mobile operators, a 5/8 wave mobile antenna. I remember one of the most popular being one made by the GAM Company located, by coincidence, also in Manchester, New Hampshire. Whereas a ¼ wave antenna would easily match a 50 ohm coaxial feedline, it did have a high angle of radiation and offered a better signal pattern to airplanes in the area rather than other stations in outlying areas from the mobile or base station. This was before the days of popularity of the Larsen Antennas for hams. Larsen was a highly popular mobile radiator among the commercial radio group but few hams had really discovered the Larsen line yet .. but more about that later. As a vertical antenna is lengthened, the angle of
radiation comes down closer to the horizon until around the 5/8 to ¾ wavelength where it
is the lowest. As the radiator is lengthened
further, the angle tends to rise back up. These
longer lengths are preferable to the ¼ wave size for the gain they provide, both for
mobile and base operation, with the exception that those particular lengths are NOT a good
match to the 50 ohm feedline that is ordinarily used.
Typically the feedpoint impedance is rather high so that is why you see some sort
of matching device at the base of a ½ wave to 5/8 wave antenna.
Later, Cushcraft added a similar design for a 70cm Ringo,
a 220 MHz model, and a 6 meter Ringo. They
also had a 10 meter model that, by coincidence was tunable to a group of frequencies just
a bit lower in frequency to 10 meters, but quite close by.
Interestingly enough, the 70cm Ringo was so small that many though it resembled a
small sword or knife with the antenna piece resembling the blade and the ring representing
the hilt of the knife. These new models also
provided the ground potential lightning protection, a definite bonus.
Between the introduction of the Ranger model and the
additional phasing coax/radial modification, Cushcraft shipped a batch of the 2 meter
Ringo Rangers, which would not tune up properly. With
all the adjustments available on these antennas it was confusing as to why they were not
adjustable but it was impossible to get the SWR down to a low enough value. Ringo Ranger owners who had successfully tuned and
used this same model were stymied by their inability to find a good match. I dont recall the exact numbers but I do
remember that you just could not obtain a low SWR on those antennas, regardless of what
you tried. The time period for this shipment of antennas was somewhere
around 1975-1978. I cant remember the
exact time as it has been too many years but it seems like I had received about 20 or 25
of the Rangers to stock and sell. Soon
I started hearing from customers who were unable to get their antenna matched correctly. This was a time when few local hams had exotic RF
test equipment, particularly for the VHF and UHF bands, so it was thought that perhaps
this is what was causing the problem. I could understand the level of frustration of these people
because had bought one of these Ringo Rangers myself, from that batch, and I had struggled
with it for hours at a time. I knew I just
must be doing some small thing incorrectly but, for the life of me, I couldnt figure
out what it was. Finally, after fielding many customer and dealer
complaints, Cushcraft determined that the problem was actually caused by a factory
manufacturing error concerning the base insulator, the plastic piece between the base tube
and the bottom of the antenna near the ring. This
piece had been cemented incorrectly and the critical dimensions where these pieces were
placed failed to form the exact value capacitor, which was part of the matching of the
antenna. There was no way a customer or a
dealer could do the repairs and Cushcraft sent replacements for all the defective antennas
we could identify for that batch. I replaced
a bunch of the ones I had already sold (including the one I had bought) and pulled and
returned all the ones I still had in stock. There
were a few instances where I was unable to track down the one who purchased one of these
defective antennas and Im sure some of those folks had a healthy bag of bad comments
to share about Cushcraft antennas and perhaps even me as a dealer. I was able to get most of the ones I had sold, replaced,
but I apologize again after all these years if you were caught in this manufacturing
disaster and were never able to make it right. This
does mean, however, there are some of these antennas that were never replaced and are
still out there floating around, no doubt with their owners still trying to figure out how
to get the SWR down on them. Perhaps the moral of this story is, if you ever purchase a
piece of equipment or antenna that had good reviews but you didnt find it to be as
good as others said, contact the manufacturer and or dealer and see if, perhaps, they are
aware of a problem and are attempting to make it right.
Even automobiles have recalls to repair a defect that happened to their products. Also, if someone offers you a Cushcraft Ringo Ranger
antenna with the comment, You can have this one, I never did have much luck tuning
it up and Ive had it out in the barn for years and years, perhaps they had one
of the bad batch where a few escaped detection and replacement. I think the statute of limitations for replacement
has probably long-since expired for Cushcraft, especially since they are no longer in the
amateur antenna business, having sold that department to MFJ several years ago. I recently saw a note on one of the Internet reflectors
where a ham was lamenting the fact that he had a Ringo Ranger someone had given him and he
couldnt seem to get the SWR down on it. I
sent him a short note to describe in miniature what Ive described here in detail. In fact, that is what jogged my poor old memory
and prompted me to write this article. I hope
it helps someone. By the way -- about those Larsen antennas Id
mentioned earlier; when I opened my ham store I was aware of the excellent quality of the
Larsen antenna products and I contacted them about becoming one of their distributors. I was allowed to join their current list of
dealers and many years later, I read in the quarterly newsletter that Larsen sent to their
dealers, a comment made by the owner, Jim Larsen (SK) who originally held a W7 amateur
call and was later K7GE. He was telling
a bit of the history of the Larsen Antenna company and he mentioned that their niche of
the market had been in the commercial radio field but in the early 70s, a little ham radio
store down in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma had become a dealer for them and kept ordering more
and more antennas for their ham customers. He
decided that maybe they ought to take a look at putting a greater emphasis for their
products into the amateur radio market. It
made me feel mighty proud and some of the folks reading this who were some of my customers
helped to make that possible. Thanks to you
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