K5LAD - 50+ Years of Ham Radio Memories Volume XXXI The Story of Old Bill Search keywords: Old Bill, Derrick Electronics, wrinkled money This story could probably best be described as a study in
human nature or, perhaps, a study in human interaction.
Although not a particularly ham-related activity, the following story did take
place in my ham store back in the 70s so I think it fits well enough. This incident happened quite by accident one afternoon at the store. A customer had made a purchase for something using cash and one of the one dollar bills tendered was one of those we occasionally see that really looks used........ perhaps well overused. Things like this are sometimes referred to as, "it looks like it was rode hard and put up wet." Of course, when a bill like that eventually finds its way back to a bank they will pull it from circulation and send it back to the U.S. Treasury facility for destruction and replacement. This bill, however, was far past the typical point of
replacement. It was obvious that it had led
a hard life. It was wrinkled worse than the
old fellow who lives down your street and gripes about the kids who walk on his lawn on
their way home from school. The white areas
of the bill were now with mostly a grubby brownish tinge showing that it had seen a great
deal of hand-to-hand travels. When I first
received that bill, I readily accepted it as partial payment for whatever item had been
bought but I found it even difficult to place neatly into the proper place in my cash
register. No longer crisp, flat, and straight
like it had been in its early days; it now more closely resembled a piece of cloth with
its extreme flexibility. I thought,
"I'll just get rid of that one as soon as I can so I don't have to deal with the
awkwardness in the register." The next
time I needed to make small change, I made sure that this "old timer" was part
of the change amount. I don't know how many times it had changed hands but I
began to notice something strange and actually quite interesting. Any time I gave that bill as change, the receiving
customer would take a look at it, then look around and buy something else, just to give it
back or actually, to get rid of it. The rack
holding books and current issues of ham magazines was just to the left of the customer at
the counter and could provide an item that was fairly inexpensive and easily within an
arm's reach so often one of these was grabbed. Also,
as I recall, I had a box of small plastic tubes of rosin core solder in front of the cash
register and that was often the secondary purchase item. The solder tubes were 98 cents
and also easily within the customers reach. They
were also just the right purchase to get rid of that wrinkled old bill. After this had happened numerous times, I began to use it
as an experiment. Every time I deliberately
gave that old wrinkled dollar bill as change, my customer would buy something else, just
to not have to carry it with their 'nicer' bills. What
I did was perfectly legal and I don't believe anyone could fault me for doing this,
especially after 25 or 30 years (is there a statute of limitations for experimenting on
customers)? I've waited a long time
before admitting to this human nature experiment and perhaps someone who reads this will
have been among the 'experimentees'. It seems like this experiment covered a period of the better part of the afternoon but finally someone received that wrinkled old bill in change and shoved it into their pocket without paying close attention to its 'life beyond expiration' condition so to speak. The wrinkled and dirty old bill walked out the front door and I didnt see it any more. It would be interesting for someone these days to try a
similar experiment and see if people had changed or if they would get the same reaction I
did. Perhaps this might be the way to
stimulate the economy with the expert help of "Old Bill." Training Is So Important Search keywords: HoJo, Howard Johnson, turnpike resteurant NOTE: The Transmitter reference below is for the TARC (Tulsa Amateur Radio Club) Newsletter where this story first appeared in print. I hope the Transmitter readers will allow me this one non-ham story, Its one of my favorite stories and the best part about it is, its absolutely true. This is not to say that all of my other literary offerings have not also been true but every time I think about this particular event, although it happened many years ago, I still laugh to myself. It took place around the mid to late 70s and I had taken some time off from working at my ham store, Derrick Electronics. Our family had taken a short vacation trip of several days and we were returning home on the Muskogee Turnpike. This was back in the days when turnpikes were locked-in to the franchise with the food services of the Howard Johnson Company, also known as HoJo. Talk about a captive audience, that was certainly a prime example. If you wanted something to graze on while you were traveling the pikes, you chose Howard Johnson or you did not graze. Historians in centuries to come will refer to this as the U.S. pre-McDonalds Turnpike Age. We knew we were going to be back home in Tulsa in not too much longer and with two hungry small boys and a limited supply of groceries awaiting us at the house, we thought it best to stop at the HoJo site to get something to eat. This was not a particularly happy or anticipated stop since the Howard Johnsons restaurants were not noted for providing good service and pleasant surroundings, but rather, it was usually quite the contrary. We were, however, not overwhelmed by choices at that point. The choices on turnpikes were, HoJo or no go. The service we received, on this particular visit, was totally unlike anything we had previously experienced at any of these facilities. We were very pleased with what we saw and received. The waitress was a very pleasant lady in her forties. When the waitress brought our selections, she was very nice and everything we had ordered was there and provided just as we had requested. Once all the plates had been distributed to their proper places I looked at her and said, I probably shouldnt say this but Ive eaten in quite a few Howard Johnson restaurants over the years and without exception, the waitresses have been slow, usually rude, and totally uncaring. You, on the other hand, have be very pleasant, prompt, and attentive to our needs. I dont understand, what is the difference? She smiled and looked back at us and not realizing exactly what she was saying she replied, Oh, I just started here last week. I still laugh when I realize what she was unknowingly telling us was I havent been through the companys training program yet.
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