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50 Years of Ham
Radio Memories
On June 28th, 1957 I received my first amateur radio license - KN5LAD. Now, after
all these years, I'm looking forward to celebrating my 50 years in this hobby. They
have been enjoyable years and I've done a lot, learned a lot, messed up a lot, helped a
lot of others to become hams and generally had a wonderful time. I'm looking forward
to the next 50 years and if they're half of much fun as the previous 50 years, then I can
hardly wait to see them. Back when I was first licensed, the Novice license was only
good for one year and only allowed operation on CW. There had been a time when
Novices could also operate AM on 2 meters, and Oh, I wanted to get on phone, but I think
that restriction had passed. I'm pulling all of these memories from the back of my skull
and you know that if I'm celebrating 50 years in the hobby then I must have several more
years on my odometer and "us old folks" have some problems recalling things like
we did in our earlier days. If you are an old timer and you read something which
doesn't sound quite right, just remember that these are my memories, as best they have
remained with me.
I've worked on all bands from 160-70cm and dabbled in many modes: AM, SSB,
RTTY, CW (short dabble), ATV, FM, SSTV. I've been involved in DX, Ragchewing, Contests,
Nets, Army MARS, and lots of homebrewing (electronics, that is). I built the
first Army MARS repeater back in 1968 or 69 (can't remember too well back that far).
I built several repeaters on 2, 220, and 70 cm and still own and
operate the 146.10/.70 and 444.9/444.3 repeaters in Owasso, OK.
I have RCC, WAS, WAC, DXCC certificates. I have a sticker for 112 countries
and I never did send in any more cards. I keep threatening to send in many more
cards which I've received since those I had when I originally got the 112 in 1972.
I'll sure do that..................... someday.
I owned and operated a ham radio store called Derrick Electronics in Broken Arrow (OK)
from 1970-1981. I also spent 30+ years in education business teaching junior
high and high school plus I was the Computer Coordinator for Tulsa Public Schools for 9
years. I'm a member of Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and QCWA. I guess I'm
also a defunct member of the defunct Owasso Amateur Radio Club
My wife is Gloria - WA5SNU, my oldest son is Russell - KD6GGI, and my youngest son is
Daniel - KF6LMF. I've had several ham articles published in a defunct computer
magazine called One Thousand (Tandy 1000 series) and in several in the now defunct 73
Magazine. Hmmmmmm..... I'm starting to see a common thread in "defunction"
so perhaps I should admit right now that I'm a defunctional personality. Perhaps I'm
just a person who "uses up" their affiliations.
I recently sat down and wrote a quick title to some of the many things I'm seen and lived
through in my colorful ham career. Since that time, as I get a chance, I've tried to
"flesh out" the story behind than quick memory. I'm getting enough written
now so that I can begin to share them with others. I have no aspirations of becoming
a great writer and I won't be surprised if nobody spends the time to read any of these
stories. They have, however, been very therapeutic for me and they've brought back
some very happy memories that I had long-since forgotten.
I'll continue to add to the pages as I write additional parts. If you choose to
read any of these, I'll try to add several each month so you can check back and see if I
mentioned something about you that you wish had not been told. I'll try to make a
note of an approximate time period when these things happened. These are at the
mercy of my memory so if I miss one..... or miss one by a mile, you'll understand why.
Thanks for reading even this far.
Jim Pickett - K5LAD (Ham Radio 1957----
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